R and R Studio
The data.world R package makes it easy to query datasets and use data.world's REST API.
Install and configure the data.world R package.
Using an R console (like R Studio), you can use the data.world R package to run queries, import datasets, upload data, and more.
Install the data.world package for R:
devtools::install_github("datadotworld/data.world-r", build_vignettes = TRUE)
Note: You will need to have the devtools package for R installed to run the previous command. If that is not already installed, you can install it from CRAN using the command install.packages("devtools")

Configure the package with your API token.
saved_cfg <- data.world::save_config("YOUR API TOKEN")data.world::set_config(saved_cfg)

View the Quickstart vignette to view more information on the data.world package.
library(data.world)vignette("quickstart", package = "data.world")

Import your first query.
Using the data.world package, import your first query:
Choose your dataset and retrieve your SQL or SPARQL query.
The below query includes specific query parameters. You can also simplify your query by using
SELECT * FROM DataDotWorldBBallTeam
intro_ds <- "https://data.world/jonloyens/an-intro-to-dataworld-dataset" sample_query <- data.world::qry_sql(paste0( "SELECT t.Name, t.Height, s.AssistsPerGame ", "FROM DataDotWorldBBallTeam as t ", "JOIN DataDotWorldBBallStats as s ON t.Name = s.Name ", "ORDER BY s.AssistsPerGame DESC")) data.world::query(sample_query, dataset = intro_ds)
Use the available functions to begin modeling your data.
What next?
Here are some things you can do with R and data.world:
Use the Addins menu to quickly add a new Insight to data.world from R Studio.
Use the included
package to update datasets, upload files, list all tables in a project, and more.