Creating analysis type resources
To create analysis type resources:
On the Organization profile page, go to the Resources tab or to the collection where you want to add the analysis. Click the New resource button and select Catalog resource.
You can also create the analysis from a specific Collection page. Browse to the specific collection and click the New catalog resource button.
On the Create a new resource page, in the Select type tab, choose Analysis. Click Continue to configure fields.
On the Create a new Analysis page, in the Configure fields tab, set the following:
Title: Provide a title for the resource. If a resource with the identical title already exists, you will be informed about it on the next step. In case multiple resource have the same title, a list of up to resource will be provided in a collapsible menu. By clicking on a resource title, you can open it in a new window to review its content. Duplicate names for resource are allowed, and you may proceed to create the collection with the chosen name.
Collections: From the dropdown list, select the collections for the resource. At least one collection should be selected to be able to save the resource. If you have not already created a collection, you will not see the option to choose a collection. When you save the resource, the application automatically creates a collection with the name organization_name-collection and adds the resource to it. If you are creating the resource from the specific Collection page, that collection will be selected automatically.
Description: Provide a brief description for the resource. You can use Markdown to create rich content with links, images, etc.
Summary: Provide the definition of the resource that you are adding. You can use Markdown to create rich content with links, images, etc.
Tags: Type in the tags field to select from the available tags or add new ones. As you start typing in the field, the system suggests existing tags.
Status: Select the status of the resource. Status helps users in your organization to know whether they can trust the information in this resource.
Custom fields: Based on how your catalog is configured for your business needs, you might see some other custom fields. Set the fields that you wish to configure. Accounts as people fields are special custom fields that allow targeted selection from a list of active accounts.
Once you are done, click Continue to review Analysis.
On the Review Analysis tab, check resource details for any possible errors before saving it. If adjustments are needed, click Back to edit resource details.
Click Create Analysis. The creation page is closed and you are taken to your new analysis resource page.