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Troubleshooting Oracle collector issues

Collector runtime and troubleshooting

The catalog collector may run in several seconds to many minutes depending on the size and complexity of the system being crawled.

  • If the catalog collector runs without issues, you should see no output on the terminal, but a new file that matching *.dwec.ttl should be in the directory you specified for the output.

  • If there was an issue connecting or running the catalog collector, there will be either a stack trace or a *.log file. Both of those can be sent to support to investigate if the errors are not clear.

A list of common issues and problems encountered when running the collectors is available here.

Issue: Timezone region not found error

Users encounter the following error while running collectors: ORA-01882: timezone region not found

  • Cause: The timezone ID is not found by the Oracle Server.

  • Solution: To resolve this issue, ensure that the Oracle JDBC connection timezone option in the collector configuration is not selected.

    If you are running the collector using a CLI or YAML file, add the following parameter to your command or YAML configuration: open--oracle-jdbc-timezone-as-region=falseT

    This parameter disables the timezone region setting, preventing the timezone region not found error from occurring.