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Managing email notification subscriptions

The application provides an easy way to unsubscribe from email notifications that you get from Each user gets to manage their own notification settings and can decide what email notifications they want to receive or disable.


Different types of notification emails

This section lists the different categories of email notification you get from

Essential notification emails


There are a few emails that sends to users that are essential for using the application and you cannot unsubscribe from these emails.

Table 1.

Notification email


Welcome email

Sent after sign up to new user as initial welcome.

Email address verification

sent after sign up to new user to confirm their email address

Email change request

Sent to user to confirm changing their email to a new email address.

Password change request

Sent to end users when they request to change their password.

Password reset request

sent to end users when they have forgotten their password and need it reset

Invite to join or an organization in

email invite to join + join an organization (recipients are not yet users on

Invite to contribute to datasets and projects

Email invite to join and have a dataset/project shared with you (recipients are not yet users on

Billing receipt

Sent to billing contact when autopay succeeds.

Billing attempt failed

Sent to billing contact when autopay fails.

SPC activation email

Sent to users of the Snowflake partner connect to activate their trial.

Access Request Approved (For Premium governance automation - Approval - Access request)

Sent to the email address configured in the automation when the access request is approved.


Table 2.

Notification email


User likes a comment

Sent to the comment author when someone likes a comment.

User likes a dataset or project

Sent to dataset or project owner when someone bookmarks a dataset or project.

User likes an insight

Sent to the insight creator when someone bookmarks an insight.

New dataset or project created

  • Sent to followers of a user when a new dataset or project is created by the user.

  • Sent to followers of an organization when a new dataset or project is created by in the organization.

New follower for a user

  • Sent to individual user when someone follows them. Does not go to organization administrators when someone follows an organization.


Table 3.

Notification email


Invitation to join organization

Sent to end users when they are invited to join an organization.

Request to join organization

Sent to administrators when an end user requests to join an organization.

Organization invited to another organization

Sent to organization administrators when that organization is invite to join another organization.

Change suggested to resources

Sent to users with editors and above access to metadata resources when a viewer suggests a change.

Contributor invited by administrator

Sent to invitee when an administrator invites someone to view or contribute directly to a dataset or project.

Access requested to dataset, project, or collections

Sent to dataset, project, or collections administrators when someone requests access to view or edit the dataset, project, or collections

Dataset transfer requested

Sent to data admins or new owner destination to transfer a dataset or project to a new owner.

Invite organization as contributor

sent to org admins when an org is invited to contribute to a dataset/project/collection

New task available

Sent to parties authorized to claim a task for workflows

Transfer requested

Sent to organization administrators when someone proposes a crowd-sourced resource.


Table 4.

Notification email


User approved to join an organization

Confirmation when a user is approved to join an organization

User accepts invitation to organization

Sent to organization administrators when a user accepts an invitation to join the organization

Contribute request approved by administrator

Sent to requester when an administrator approves an access request for a dataset or project

Contribution approved

Sent to requester when a suggested change or an ownership transfer is approved

New user group created

Sent to organization administrators when a new custom user group is created.

New user given access to dataset or project

Sent to dataset or project owner or administrator when a new user gains access to the dataset or project.

Dataset, project, or collection shared with a user group

Sent to group members when the group is added directly to a dataset, project, or collection

Dataset, project, or collection shared with an organization

Sent to all members of an organization when the organization is added directly to a dataset, project, or collection

Workflow updates

Sent to the initiator of a workflow when a status has changed.

Snowflake tags are synced to Snowflake (For Governance automation - Snowflake Tag Application and Sync)

Sent to the user who clicks the Sync Snowflake tag button on resource pages.


Table 5.

Notification email


New comment added

Sent to users with viewer and above access to a dataset, project, insight, metadata resource when someone comments on the resource.

New topic added

Sent to users with viewer and above access to a dataset, project, insight, metadata resources when a new topic is added.


Table 6.

Notification email


A user mention in comments

Sent to individual user mentioned in a comment.

Organization activity digests

Table 7.

Notification email


Organization digest email

Sent to all members of an organization with a summary of activity they have access to.

Datasets and projects activities

Table 8.

Notification email


Dataset or project updated

sent to viewers, contribs, and users that have bookmarked a dataset/project when the details for that dataset have been edited

File uploaded to a dataset or project

sent to viewers, contribs, and users that have bookmarked a dataset/project when files have been uploaded to the dataset/project

Insight created

sent to viewers, contribs, and users that have bookmarked a project when a new insight is added

Sync status change

sent to specific email identified as notifications contact when there is a sync status change for a dataset

Turning off notification emails

To manage email notifications:

  1. Click your Profile icon on the right side of the top navigation.

  2. Go to the Settings page, then Notifications.

  3. On the Notifications page, toggle the Email notifications enabled button to turn on or off all email notifications.


    This will not unsubscribe you from essential notification emails from

  4. Alternatively, turn off email notifications for specific types of notifications.

  5. For Dataset & project activity email notifications you can either turn off/on all notifications or you can click the Customize button and turn off/on individual notifications for each datasets and project .

  6. Likewise, for Organization activity digests, click Customize button if you want to have granular control over notifications for specific organization digest emails.