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Installing and configuring the app


To use the plug-in Native app:

  1. You must be a Enterprise customer

  2. You must be a Snowflake Marketplace consumer. The application will be sent to you via a Private Snowflake Marketplace Listing. You can request access to the app through our listing on the marketplace or you can contact your Customer Success Representative and provide your Snowflake account locator and will generate a private listing to install from.

Obtaining the API token from

  • Obtain a API token following the steps in this guide.  Note: that you will need to use an Admin API token if you intend to use the functionality to manage connections and table virtualization from inside Snowflake.  If you intend to use existing configurations, a normal API token or a service account token will work appropriately.

Installing the app

  1. To install this app from the Snowflake listing, follow the steps outlined in the Snowflake documentation.

  2. Once the app is installed, additional configuration is required. Follow the instruction available in the application Readme, located under the About the app tab in Snowsight.



    The Catalog and AI Context Engine Plug-In app is ready for use.