Browse card for organization profile pages
If you are looking for details about adding the browse card to the Application Home page, please go here.
About the browse card for Organization Profile page
The browse card is available in private, single-tenant, and multi-tenant installations.
A browse card is a quick navigation card that you can add to your Organization Profile page to help navigate users to the important collections, datasets, projects, and other resources in the organization. You can also add links to external websites or other organizations in your application. The browse card is the same for all users of the organization. If the card has items that the user does not have access to, the user is taken to a Page not found error page.
The browse card appears in the Overview section of the Organization profile page. There can be only one browse card per organization and each organization has its own browse card, which is configured per organization.
You have to be a member of the organization to be able to see the browse card for that organization.

Plan your browse card
Number of tabs: Tabs define the main organization of resources for the browse card. Action: Determine the number of tabs needed for your browse card. Assign a clear title and description to each tab for easy navigation.
Collections, datasets, or projects in the organizations. You can also link to specific insights in projects.
External website links
Profile pages of other organizations in the application.
Number of section: Structure content within each tab into sections. Action: Decide how many sections to include. Organize resources by category within these sections. Resources can consist of organization profiles, collections, projects, datasets, insights, and external links. Assign each section to the appropriate tab.
Section Headers: Use section headers to identify and categorize content clearly. Action: Choose descriptive headers for each section. These can be static text or links to available resources (such as organization profiles, collections, projects, datasets, insights, or external links).
Resources in sections: Provide relevant and accessible information in sections. Action: Select the resources you want to display. These resources may include:
The browse card automatically adjusts its content visibility based on individual user access levels. Users will only see resources they have permissions for. For details, see
Profile pages of organizations.
Collections, metadata resources, business terms, datasets, or projects in the organizations. You can also link to specific insights in projects.
External website links: Direct users to additional resources outside the internal system.
In this example, we have added 4 tabs to the Organization profile page browse card.
As you navigate through the tabs, the system remembers your last visited tab and the collapsed or expanded status of the tabs and sections.

Visibility of browse card
The browse card automatically adapts its content visibility for users based on their specific access rights to the resources within the card.
Access | Visibility |
User does not have access to a specific internal resource in a section. | User will not see the specific resource link in the browse card. |
A section has links only to internal resources and the user does not have access to any of these internal resources in a section. | User will not see the complete section. If this is the only section in the tab, user will not see the tab |
A section has a mix of external links and internal links and user does not have access to any internal resources in the section. | User will see the section and only the external links. |
User does not have access to any links in the section, but user has access to the resource linked (internal or external) to the Section heading. | User will see an empty section and will be able to click the section heading to view the resource. |
User has access to links in the section, but the user does not have access to the resource linked to the Section heading. | User will not see the section. If this is the only section in the tab, user will not see the tab. |
User does not have access to any links in the browse card. | User will not see the browse card. |
User has access to resources in the browse card, but user does not have Discover access to the ddw-profile-configuration dataset in the organization. | User will not see the browse card. To make the browse card visible to users, adjust permissions to the ddw-profile-configuration dataset in the organization. Contact the support team if you need help. |
Configuring the browse card
You can either configure the browse card using the UI or manually using .ttl files. If you have a simple browse card with links to internal and external sources, we recommend that you use the UI for configuring the browse card. However, if you are dynamically populating the browse card using automations, please use the file based (.ttl method) for configuring your browse card.
Please be aware that when setting up the browse card using files, the Configuration UI for browse cards will display the browse card configured with files. Still, it is not recommended to edit the card from the UI. A best practice would be to choose one configuration method and use that.