Events - Authorization Requests
A record of instances when requests for authorization were submitted.
Column | Description |
date | The date event occurred. |
requester | The unique account ID for the user. |
requester_email | The email address of the requester. |
requester_displayname | The display name of the requester. |
approver | The agentid of the user who approved the request. |
owner | The resource owner and the namespace where the resource resides. Together with the resource ID (owner/resourceid) this becomes a unique ID, and also used for the web URL to view the resource. |
resource | The resource identifier. Together with the resource owner (owner/resourceid) this becomes a unique ID, and also used for the web URL to view the resource. |
resourceid | The unique resource identifier. It is the concatenation of (owner/resource)$ and also used for the web URL to view the resource |
resourcetype | The type of approved resource. |
visibility | The visibility of the resource. It can be PUBLIC or PRIVATE. |
level | The level of the granted authorization. It can be READ, WRITE or ADMIN. |
Useful queries
Find out the number of times an agent requested access to resources in the organization.
Sample query
SELECT requester, COUNT(*) AS n_requests FROM events_authorization_requests GROUP BY requester ORDER BY n_requests DESC
Find out the number of times requests are made to access a resource.
Sample query
SELECT resource, resourcetype, COUNT(*) AS n_requests FROM events_authorization_requests GROUP BY resource, resourcetype ORDER BY n_requests DESC
Events - Bookmarks
A record of bookmarks created.
Column | Description |
date | Date when the event occurred. |
agentid | The unique account ID for the user. |
owner | The resource owner and the namespace where the resource resides. Together with the resource ID (owner/resourceid) this becomes a unique ID, and also used for the web URL to view the resource. |
resource | The resource identifier. Together with the resource owner (owner/resourceid) this becomes a unique ID, and also used for the web URL to view the resource. |
resourceid | The unique resource identifier. It is the concatenation of (owner/resource)$ and also used for the web URL to view the resource. |
Email address associated with the account of the user. |
Events - Catalog Resources Pages Activity - By Day
A fact table that captures the catalog pages activity such as views, edits, suggestions, and deletes done by users aggregated by UTC-based calendar day.
This table captures only the actions taken on the catalog resources from the application user interface.
Column | Description |
date | Date when the event occurred. |
owner | The owner of the resource. |
agentid | The unique account ID for the user who took an action on the resource, such as, viewed, edited, deleted, etc. |
resourcename | The name of the catalog resource. |
resource | The resource identifier. Together with the resource owner (owner/resourceid) this becomes a unique ID, and also used for the web URL to view the resource. |
resourcetype | The type of resource. Example values are: Table, Collection, Business term. |
views | Count of all view events of the resource - a composite of several different events. |
overview_tab_views | Views of the Overview tab for the resource. A new event is fired off when someone navigates away from and back to the Overview tab. |
resource_page_views | This is triggered when someone first lands on the resource page. |
edits | Number of edits made to the resource by the unique user on the specific date. |
creates | This field will show a value of 1 against the agentid that created the resource. |
suggestions_submitted | Number of suggestions submitted on the resource by the unique user on the specific date. |
deletes | This field will show a value of 1 against the agentid that deleted the resource. |
Useful queries
See the activity for a particular type of resource. The following sample query is for resource type business terms.
Sample query
SELECT * FROM events_catalog_resources_pages_activity_by_day WHERE resourcetype like 'business term' ORDER BY date DESC;
See total edits, views, and suggestions that were submitted by day for a specific resource. The following sample query is for resource name order
Sample query
SELECT date, SUM(views), SUM(edits), SUM(suggestions_submitted) FROM events_catalog_resources_pages_activity_by_day WHERE resourcename like 'orders' GROUP BY date ORDER BY date desc;
See total activity summary for all catalog resource pages by date and owner.
Sample query
SELECT date, owner, SUM(views), SUM(edits), SUM(suggestions_submitted) FROM events_catalog_resources_pages_activity_by_day GROUP BY date, owner ORDER BY date desc;
Find the list of unique users logged in to different organizations.
Sample query
SELECT e.agentid AS UserID, m.displayname AS UserName, e.owner AS org, MAX(e.`date`) AS LastActivityDate, SUM(e.views) AS LifetimeTotalViews, SUM(e.edits) AS LifetimeTotalEdits FROM events_catalog_resources_pages_activity_by_day e INNER JOIN membership_current m ON e.agentid = m.agentid GROUP BY e.agentid, m.displayname, e.owner ORDER BY 1 ASC
Events - Catalog Resources Approved Or Denied Suggestions - By Day
A fact table that captures the details of approvals and denials on suggestions submitted by users on catalog resources.
This table captures only the actions taken on the catalog resources from the application user interface.
Column | Description |
date | The date when the event occurred. |
owner | The owner of the created resource. |
responder | The agentid of the user who denied or approved the submitted suggestion. |
requester | The agentid of the user who submitted the suggestion. |
resource | The unique ID of the catalog resource. This represents the unique IRI value of the resource. |
resourcename | The name of the resource on which the suggestion was made. |
resourcetype | The type of catalog resource. Example values are: Table, Collection, Business term. |
suggestions_approved | The value of 1 in this field means the suggestion is approved. |
suggestions_denied | The value of 1 in this field means the suggestion is denied. |
Events - Catalog Resources Pending Suggestions - By Day
A fact table that captures information about the suggestions on catalog resources that have not yet been approved or denied.
This table captures only the actions taken on the catalog resources from the application user interface.
Column | Description |
date | Date when the event occurred. |
owner | The owner of the resource. |
agentid | The agentid of the user who submitted the suggestion. |
resourcetype | The type of catalog resource. Example values are: Table, Collection, Business term. |
resource | The unique ID of the catalog resource. This represents the unique IRI value of the resource. |
resourcename | The name of the resource on which the suggestion was made. |
Events - Create Dataset Project Events
A record of events representing the creation of a dataset or project.
Column | Description |
date | Date when the event occurred. |
owner | The owner of the created resource. Owner can be either an individual or an organization. Together with the resource ID (owner/resourceid) this becomes a unique ID, and also used for the web URL to view the resource. |
resource | The resource identifier -- together with the resource owner (owner/resource) this becomes a unique ID, and also used for the web URL to view the resource. |
resourceid | The unique resource identifier. It is the concatenation of (owner/resource)$ and also used for the web URL to view the resource. |
agentid | The user who created the dataset or project. |
visibility | The visibility level assigned to the resource. Possible value are PRIVATE, OPEN, or DISCOVERABLE |
type | The type. It can be DATASET or PROJECT. |
Email address associated with the account of the user. |
Events - Dataset Activity - By Day
A fact table containing dataset activity measurements, aggregated by UTC-based calendar day.
Column | Description |
date | UTC-based calendar date. |
owner | The resource owner and the namespace where the resource resides. Together with the resource ID (owner/resourceid) this becomes a unique ID, and also used for the web URL to view the resource. |
resource | The resource identifier -- together with the resource owner (owner/resourceid) this becomes a unique ID, and also used for the web URL to view the resource. |
resourceid | The unique resource identifier. It is concatenation of (owner/resource)$ and also used for the web URL to view the resource. |
queries_run | Count of run query events executed within the dataset. |
queries_saved | Count of save query events executed within the dataset. |
downloads | Count of download events executed within the dataset. |
pageviews | Count of page views for the dataset homepage. |
bookmarks | Count of bookmarks added for the dataset. |
auth_requests | Count of authorization requests submitted for the dataset. |
Events - Downloads
A record of events representing the download of a dataset, file, or query result.
Column | Description |
date | The UTC-based calendar date when download occurred. |
agentid | The unique account ID for the user. |
Email address associated with the account of the user. | |
displayname | The name of the user. |
type | The type of download: dataset, file, query-result, or error-linter (download error). |
owner | The resource owner and the namespace where the resource resides. Together with the resource (owner/resource) this becomes a unique ID, and also used for the web URL to view the resource. |
resource | The resource identifier -- together with the resource owner (owner/resource) this becomes a unique ID, and also used for the web URL to view the resource. |
resourceid | The unique resource identifier. It is the concatenation of (owner/resource) and also used for the web URL to view the resource. |
filename | Name of the downloaded file or query-result. |
filelabels | Array containing any labels assigned to the file at the time of download event. Note that the most recent day's filelabels records may not be completely up-to-date if changes or additions were made to a file's labels a short time prior to the download event. |
Events - Metadata Assets Activity - By Day
A fact table containing metadata assets activity measurements aggregated by UTC-based calendar day.
This metrics is not available in Private Instance installations. You should instead look at the Events - Catalog resources pages activity - by day metrics to track activities such as views, edits, and suggestions submitted on metadata pages that are part of your data catalog.
For Single Tenant and Multi tenant customers, this metric will only have rows through September 2021. Starting October 2021, you can monitor activities on your metadata pages that are a part your catalog in the Events - Catalog resources pages activity - by day metric.
Column | Description |
date | UTC-based calendar date. |
owner | The organization namespace where metadata asset resides. |
resourcetype | Metadata asset type. |
resource | The unique ID of the metadata asset. |
views | Count of pageviews for the metadata asset. |
edits | Count of save edit events for the metadata asset. |
Events - Pageviews - Last 90 Days
A record of pageview events, including viewer and resource viewed.
Column | Description |
date | Date when pageview occurred |
ts | Timestamp when pageview occurred. |
agentid | The unique account ID for the viewer. |
customer | The customer to which the viewer belongs. |
The email address of the viewer. | |
action | Pageview. |
urlpath | The URL path of the viewed resource. The path is the part of the URL that comes after "" |
referrer | The location (URL if available) from which a page view originated. |
Events - Queries
A detailed log of query events occurring over the past 30 days.
Column | Description |
owner | The resource owner and the namespace where the resource resides. Together with the resource (owner/resource) this becomes a unique ID, and also used for the web URL to view the resource. |
ts | Timestamp (UTC timezone). |
environment | Internal use only. |
queryrunagentid | The unique account ID for the user that executed query. |
queryruntoken | Unique query run ID. |
action | The status of the query. Possible values are: start: Present when the querytype is SQL or SPARQL. Note that all SQL or SPARQL queries have an event where action = “start” end: Present when the querytype is SQL or SPARQL. Queries that were terminated prior to completion by “cancel” or “error” will not have an event where action = “end”[end, error, firstrow, start]: Events associated with virtualized data sources (live database connections). NULL: For internal queries or backed processing steps. |
resourceid | The unique resource identifier. It is concatenation of (owner/resource) and also used for the web URL to view the resource. |
origination | The part of the platform (api, query ui, preview, etc.) that triggered the query. api: Means it was kicked off by the public api. query: Means it came from a query in the UI. ping: Means it was part of a health check to make sure the service is working. null: For internal queries or backed processing steps or related to virtualized tables. |
querytype | The type of query. Possible values are: SPARQL: A query executed in the SPARQL query engine. SQL: A query executed in the SQL query engine. external: A query executed from a virtualized data source (live database connection). NULL: For internal queries or backed processing steps. |
querytext | Original text of the query. Should only be included on start, prepare.end, & end events. |
targetquerytext | Contains the SQL that was sent to the downstream system after compilation from dwSQL (Snowflake, Athena, etc.) |
totalquerytime | Time, in milliseconds, for the query to execute (only available on |
totalresultcount | Total result count for the query (only available on |
eventid | Unique identifier for the log event itself. |
Events - Searches - Last 90 Days
A log of search events during past 90 days.
Column | Description |
date | Calendar data when event occurred. |
ts | Datetime of event in standard ISO 8601 format. |
agentid | User who executed search event. |
action | Type of search event. Search Bar Result Click is when someone clicks an auto-suggestion that appears as someone is typing in the search bar in the top header. Search Bar Submit is typing in the search bar and hitting enter in the header available on every page. Search View Submit is typing in the search bar on the Search page itself (not in the header) and hitting enter. Search View Search Results is being displayed a set of results on the search view. Both Search Bar Submit and Search View Submit result in Search View Search Results being triggered. However there are other ways in our app someone can be sent to search results and trigger the Search View Search Results event, so the numbers won't line up exactly. |
search_value | Search terms the user entered. If a tag or filter was applied, this will show like |
num_results | The number of search results returned, if applicable, to the event action type. |
Email address associated with the account of the user. |
Useful Queries
Find out how many times a keyword (in this example, Sales) was searched in the last 90 days.
Sample query
DECLARE ?search_value AS STRING = "sales" SELECT DATE, COUNT(*) AS number_of_searches FROM events_searches_last_90_days WHERE search_value = ?search_value GROUP BY DATE ORDER BY DATE DESC LIMIT 90
Find the top search terms trends over time.
Sample query
SELECT date, search_value, COUNT(*) as number_of_searches_submitted FROM events_searches_last_90_days WHERE action = 'search_bar.submit' GROUP BY date,search_value ORDER BY date desc, number_of_searches_submitted desc;
Events - Dataset Or Project Views By Org
Ranked list of number of dataset or project views by sub-org.
Column | Description |
org | sub-org. |
views | Count of dataset or project views. |