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Bookmarking resources

A bookmark enables you to save and easily access datasets, projects, insights, tables, custom resources, collections, and business terms for later use. You cannot bookmark columns.

Bookmarked items are stored in your individual profile, making them visible only to you. You can explore and manage these bookmarks on the dedicated Bookmarks page.

Adding resources to bookmarks

To bookmark a resource:

  1. Browse to the resource you want to bookmark.

  2. In the upper-right corner of the resource, click the Bookmark flag. The flag also shows you how many other people have bookmarked the same resource.

  3. If the resource is bookmarked by you, click the Unbookmark flag to remove the resource from your bookmarks.



When a resource is deleted, any associated bookmarks will also be removed.

Exploring your bookmarks

  1. Click the Bookmarks icon on the Left sidebar to open the Bookmarks page and see the resources you have bookmarked.

  2. If you have a long list of bookmarked resources, use the filter option to narrow down the list.

    From the Bookmarks page, you can do the following:

    • Open the datasetsprojectsinsightstables, custom resources, collections, and business terms by clicking on its name.

    • See who created the resource and when it was last updated.

    • Use the Info icon to see the Information Card for the resource. It gives you a preview of what is included in the resource, and you can use this information to decide if you need to navigate to the resource to explore it further.

    • Use the Three dot menu to access the following additional options for the resources:

      Table 1.

      Option name


      Action required

      Applicable resources


      To remove the resource from the bookmark list.

      Click the Unbookmark > Unbookmark

      All resources

      Open in workspace

      To open a project in a workspace, or to open a new project workspace for a dataset

      Click the Open in workspace

      Dataset, project

      Add to project

      To add a dataset to an existing or new project

      Click the Add to project and choose the project or create new, then click Save



      To preview an insight and then navigate to it

      Click the Preview > View full insight
