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Cataloging sensitive data with DWCC-SDD using Catalog Toolkit

See About Sensitive Data Discovery to learn more about the Sensitive Data Discovery collector.


If Catalog toolkit is not deployed on your system, use this documentation.

There are four parts to using the DWCC-SDD collector to catalog the sensitive data in your data source:

  • Set up the required resources.

  • Configure your organization for displaying SDD metadata.

  • Run the collectors.

  • Sync the SDD metadata to the organization.

The first time you run the SDD collector, you will need to do all of these steps in order. Once you have completed your configuration, however, you can set the collectors to run and upload your sensitive data catalog file automatically as needed.

STEP 1: Set up the required resources

The first part of running the collector is to gather all the required resources. You will need:

  • To request the Sensitive Data Collector from support

  • Docker installed on the machine from which you wish to run the collector


    The DWCC-SDD collector only runs with Docker.

STEP A: Request the Sensitive Data Collector from support

STEP B: Install Docker


The DWCC-SDD collector only runs with Docker.

  • Install Docker on the machine from which you wish to run the collector.

STEP 2: Configure your organization

STEP A: Add Sensitive Data Discovery as a Source in the Catalog Configuration Organization


This task is performed in the Catalog configuration organization.

  1. In the Catalog Configuration organization, browse to the Metadata profile collection.

  2. On the Overview tab, click the Edit button.

  3. In the Edit Metadata profile window, go to the Other Modules tab and select Sensitive Data Discovery. Click Save changes.


STEP B: Publish the metadata profile to the destination organizations


This task is performed in the Catalog configuration organization.

  1. In the Catalog Configuration organization, browse to the Data Catalog Configuration dataset.

  2. In the dataset, find the source-modules.ttl file, and click Sync now.

  3. Publish the updated metadata profile to the destination organization, following the steps outlined here.

STEP 3: Run the collector


You can only run DWCC-SDD on a database that has already been cataloged.

  1. Open a terminal window from the directory where you uploaded the dwcc-sdd-x.y.tar.gz zip file. Unzip and load the file into Docker using with the following command

    gunzip dwcc-sdd-x.y.tar.gz && docker load -i dwcc-sdd-x.y.tar
  2. Run the collector. If you are going to run DWCC-SDD on Snowflake, the command will be:

    docker run -it --rm --mount type=bind,source=/tmp,target=/dwcc-output \
    --mount type=bind,source=/tmp,target=/app/log dwcc-sdd:latest \
    catalog-snowflake -S <SCHEMA> -a <DDW ORG> -d <DATABASE> -n <CATALOG NAME> -o "/dwcc-output" \
    -P <PSWD> -r PUBLIC -s <CONNECTION> -p 443 -u <USER>
  3. Command examples for other sources are available here. The resulting file will be <database_name>.<catalog_name>-sdd.dwec.ttl

  4. Save the resulting file <database_name>.<catalog_name>-sdd.dwec.ttl from SDD docker to the DDW Sensitive Data Discovery Main or Sandbox (ID: ddw-sensitive-data) dataset in the in the Catalog Sources organization.

STEP 4: Sync the SDD metadata to the catalog


This task is performed in the Main or Sandbox organization.

After the SDD collector output has been uploaded to the landing dataset, the metadata needs to be synced to the destination catalog.

  1. In the destination organization (Main or Sandbox), navigate to the DDW Main or Sandbox Catalog dataset. This dataset ID is ddw-catalogs.

  2. Sync the Main or Sandbox Catalog Sensitive Data Discovery.ttl file. You must set the file to auto-sync every hour to ensure the latest updates get synced to the catalog periodically.

View the results

Now that you have set up sensitive data, you can:

  1. Browse to the resources to see the type of sensitive data.

  2. On various product pages such as Search results, Resources, use the Sensitive Type filter to narrow down lists by sensitive types attached to the resources.
