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Managing source system for resources (MDP)

This topic guides you through the process of making source system fields read-only and adding custom source systems. For details about using source system fields for resources, see Viewing and changing source system for resources.

About source systems for resources

A new default out-of-the-box metadata field, Source System, now consistently displays the name of the source system (for example, Tableau) for a resource. This helps users discover and organize data by source system, and distinguish similarly named resource types, thereby improving the overall data discovery experience.

The source system information is accessible for:

  • Catalog resources (all resources and analysis)

  • Non-catalog resources (datasets and projects) Although it is not visible on the Overview page for non-catalog resources and cannot be edited directly, you can filter on it across different search pages.

  • You can extend the collections and Glossary pages to include the source system.

    The source system is not available for dataset files, dataset tables, dataset columns, dataset queries, and dataset insights.

The possible source system values include:

  • A metadata collector used to harvest the source system, such as Snowflake, Power BI, etc.


  • A custom source system created for your catalog


You can use the source system information to effectively filter search results.


When the collector runs, the source system will automatically populate for resources harvested by it. You have the option to allow users to edit the source system in, or make it read-only. If users edit the source system from, the user-defined value will be honored and not overwritten when the collector runs again.

Create custom source system options

  1. Use the following syntax to add a custom source system option. For example, Github.

    @prefix : <https://<your_company_name>> .
    @prefix dwec: <> .
    @prefix rdf: <> .
    @prefix skos: <> .
    @prefix dct: <> .
    @prefix collectors-concept-scheme: <> .
    :GithubSourceSystem #replace Github with your prefered source system name
      rdf:type            dwec:Source , skos:Concept;
      skos:inScheme       collectors-concept-scheme:source_systems ;
      dct:title           "Github" ; #replace Github with your prefered title
      skos:prefLabel      "Github" ; #replace Github with your prefered title
      skos:altLabel       "Github" ; #replace Github with your prefered title
      dct:identifier      "GithubSourceSystem" ; #Replace to match the name you provided in line 1.

Enabling source system for business terms

  • Use the following syntax to make the source system option available for business terms.

    @prefix dwec:     <> .
    @prefix default:  <> .
      dwec:forType     dwec:BusinessTerm ;

Enabling source system for collections

  • Use the following syntax to make the source system option available for collections.

    @prefix dwec:     <> .
    @prefix default:  <> .
      dwec:forType     dwec:Catalog ;

Make source system field read-only

  • Use the following syntax to make the source system field read-only. The following example shows how to make the field read-only for database tables, analysis, and PowerBIDashboardTile. To make the field read-only for other resources, you need the Type IRI which can be obtained from the Technical reference page of the resource.

@prefix dwec:               <> .
@prefix default:            <> .
@prefix kos-collectors:     <> .

  dwec:hasSourceOfRecordSelector [ a dwec:Selector ;
    dwec:selectByClass        dwec:DatabaseTable ; #to make source system read-only for databse table
    dwec:selectByClass        dwec:Analysis ; #to make source system read-only for Analysis
    dwec:selectByClass   <> ; #to make source system read-only for PowerBIDashboardTile. Replace it with the resource of your choice.
    dwec:selectByProperty     kos-collectors:wasCatalogedBy ;
  ] ;