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Creating Snowflake Tag Application and Sync automation


Only Organization administrators can view, configure, and run automations.

Configuring the automation


Before you begin, make sure you have completed the pre-requisite tasks for the automation.

To create the automation:

  1. On the Organization profile page, go to the Automations tab.

  2. In the Automation templates section, locate the Snowflake Tag Application and Sync template. Click the Configure button.

  3. In the Configure Snowflake Tag Application and Sync window, on the next screen set the following and click Next.

    • Automation name: A name for the automation.

    • Automation description: A brief description.

  4. In the next screen, select the Snowflake connection you configured for the automation. Click Save and Continue.

Enabling automations

Once you have finished setting up the automation, the next step is to turn it on. This action will enable the automation to run.


Ensure that you only enable one instance of the Snowflake Tag Application and Sync automation at a time. Also, don't activate this automation and the Approval: Access Request automation simultaneously for the same resources.

To enable an automation:

  1. On the Organization profile page, go to the Automations tab.

  2. In the Automation section, locate the automation you want to enable and open it by clicking it.

  3. Click the Enable automation button. This option is available only for automations that have never been enabled. If you enable an automation and then disable it, it cannot be enabled again.

Viewing automation run history


If the automation history is missing in the History tab, simply edit and resave the automation. This action triggers a version upgrade for the automation, prompting the system to begin capturing the automation history.

To view the automation run history:

  1. On the Organization profile page, go to the Automations tab.

  2. In the Automations section, from the list of Activated or Archived automations, select the automation for which you want to view the automation history.

  3. On the History tab of the automation, you can view the following details.

    Table 1.




    A unique identifier for the automation run.


    Relative time when the sync to Snowflake was triggered. For example, 5 minutes ago, 3 months ago, etc. Hover over the field value to see the exact date and time.

    Triggered by

    Every time a user clicks the  Sync tag to Snowflake button on the resource page.

    Possible value:

    • User


    The current status of the automation.

    Possible values:

    • Running: A sync is happening to Snowflake.

    • Success: The sync to Snowflake happens successfully.

    • Error: An error occurred while syncing to Snowflake.

Editing automations

To edit an automation:

  1. On the Organization profile page, go to the Automations tab.

  2. In the Automations section, from the Activated or Pending Activation tabs, select the automation you want to edit. Note that Archived automations cannot be edited.

  3. Click the Edit Automations button. Follow the wizard to make any necessary adjustments to the automation configuration.


Archiving automations


Once you archive an automation it cannot be enabled again. Only active automations can be archived.

To archive an automation:

  1. On the Organization profile page, go to the Automations tab.

  2. In the Automation section, from the Activated tab, locate the automation you want to archive and open it.

  3. Click the Archive automation link.The archived automation is moved to the Archived tab.
