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Key terms and concepts

Table 1.



Advanced search

Advanced search is a feature that allows users to refine their search queries and get more specific results. Access advanced search by clicking the Advanced search button in the search bar.

Business Glossary

A collection of business terms unique to each organization in, helping in standardizing concepts and vocabulary. Every organization within maintains its own unique glossary.

Business terms

Business Terms are a special catalog  resource type that allows you to set a standardized and agreed-upon definition of a specific concept or vocabulary used within the organization.

Catalog Toolkit (CTK)

A UI based tool for configuring the catalog UI to suit your business needs. It allows you to add custom fields, sections, resources, and create glossary term subtypes. The Catalog Toolkit is set up with four organizations: Catalog Configuration, where you create the metadata profile; Catalog Sources, for data upload; Catalog Sandbox, a preview or QA environment; and Catalog Main, the production organization seen by end-users.


Collections are organization-defined groupings of resources. Every resource will belong to one or more collections. The two most common types of collections are source collections that correlate to a source system such as Snowflake or Databricks, and domain collections that represent how your business is organized such as Marketing, Finance, Product, etc.

Beyond grouping resources together, collections allow you to manage access and stewardship by the content group.


A column is an individual attribute or characteristic within a table. Columns represent specific pieces of data within a table, such as names, dates, quantities, or any other relevant information. They  provide a way to categorize and organize data, enabling you to filter and sort information based on these specific attributes.

Database view

A database view is a table that presents a tailored subset of information from one or more tables. In other words, it offers a customized perspective on the data stored in tables. By creating views, you can simplify complex data models, provide data security, and present a unified and simplified view of relevant information to different stakeholders within your organization.

Data catalog

A data catalog is a structured collection of data that allows an organization to find and manage its data. It includes metadata that describes the location, structure, and quality of data as well as information about data usage, relationships, meaning, and lineage. A data catalog acts like a central repository, storing all crucial information about datasets, helping users to discover, organize, access, understand, and use the available data.


Basic repositories for data files, metadata, documentation, scripts, and other supporting resources, used for sharing and use in projects. They store and document data for later sharing and use in projects, and are the basic repository for data files and associated metadata, documentation, scripts, and any other supporting resources.


Insights allow you to capture the conclusions from your work on projects, packaging them up in a way that quickly communicates a nugget of information, while giving the viewer the tools they need to dig down into your methods and sources. Use insights to capture the results and analysis of your work and synthesize them so they are understandable and accessible to stakeholders at all levels in the project.

Metadata field

Metadata fields play a crucial role in organizing and making sense of the collected data in the catalog. Metadata fields in a data catalog might include: Name, Description, Summary, Confidentiality Classification, Steward, etc. The application includes pre-configured metadata fields. However, to further customize your user interface, you also have the capability to create your custom metadata fields.

Metadata profile

The Metadata Profile (MDP) is a configuration tool, written in Turtle syntax, and available for customize the user interface to meet specific business needs. The MDP is a graph file written in Turtle syntax and added to the catalog configuration dataset, ddw-catalogs. It can add and alter custom metadata sections, fields, asset statuses, resources, resource types, and even relationships between resources. These changes allow users to adapt, extend, and tailor the system to their unique use case.

Metadata sections

A specific part of the user interface displaying metadata field. There are three default metadata sections: Informational, Technical, and People. In addition to these default sections, users can add custom metadata sections. When adding custom sections, users must define the custom fields that will appear in these sections. Custom metadata sections will only display when the metadata fields within the section have values or are marked as Mandatory.


Organizations are spaces where content (data, metadata resources, and business glossary) and access to the content is managed. Installations that have Catalog Toolkit are typically configured with four organizations. - Catalog configuration, Catalog sources, Sandbox, Main, each with a unique purpose. End Users of the catalog typically interact with the Main organization.


Projects are where all querying, analysis and discussion of data takes place in Data in different datasets can be used for many different projects, but each project contains all and only the data that is relevant for that project. The information in a project can come from datasets, files attached directly to the project, insights written by the project's team members about the data and the project, and discussions about the project.


A feature enabling users to find resources across, including auto-suggestions and the last eight accessed resources.

In systems where Archie bot is enabled, users can also use Archie Bot to discover data with a chat-like interface to quickly search, get suggested filters, and refine your results.


A table is a resource that contains specific types of information related to a particular topic. For example, you might have a table for customer details, sales transactions, or inventory records. Tables ensure structured storage and easy retrieval of data, allowing you to efficiently manage and analyze vast amounts of information.


Tags are descriptive keywords or labels applied to metadata resources, datasets, and projects. These labels serve as an efficient tool for organizing, categorizing, and identifying specific characteristics of the data. They facilitate prompt search and discovery of data assets by enabling users to filter and locate relevant resources based on the associated tags.

User groups

User groups are a collection of users that share similar functions or roles in an organization. Groups make it much easier to manage members and their access requirements.

User profile

Individual pages for users in, showcasing associated resources, organizations, activity, and followers, and allowing users to follow others. Each user in has a profile page in the UI where other users can see associated resources, organizations, activity, and followers. This page is also where users can follow other users from.