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Creating Sentries and connecting to hoots


Only users with the Organization Administrator privilege can manage hoots and sentries.

Creating Sentries

Create custom Sentries to connect to systems to gather live information and feed into existing hoots.

To create a Sentry:

  1. From the Hoot Admin space, browse to Sentries. Here you will see a list of existing Sentries.

  2. Click the Create a Sentry button.

  3. In the Create a Sentry window, set the following and click Save.

    1. Name: Provide a name.

    2. Description: Provide a brief description.

    3. Connected hoots: Select the hoots that the Sentry will influence.

    4. Set a Sentry timeout: If you enable this, the Sentry will be set to sick if it does not run when expected.

    5. Switch to Sick after: Specify the timeout duration in hours.

Enabling and Disabling Sentries

Disable a Sentry if you want to stop using it.

To disable a Sentry:

  1. In the Hoots Admin, browse to the Sentries list.

  2. Locate the Sentry you want to disable. Click the Sentry to open the Sentry details page.

  3. Click the Edit button.

  4. In the Edit Sentry window, click the Disable Sentry boot. Click Save.

  5. The Sentry details page now indicates that the hoot is disabled. Simply click the Enable button to re-enable the Sentry.

  6. To see the list all disabled hoots, change the filter on the Sentry list page to Disabled.

Connecting the Sentry to hoots

After the Sentry is all set-up and connected to the external system for receiving updates connect it to the Hoot that should be influenced by the updates.

To connect a Sentry to a hoot:

  1. On the Sentry details page, click the Connect Hoot button available in the right sidebar.

  2. In the Connect Hoots window, select the hoots for the Sentry. Click the Update Sentry button.