Upgrading legacy browse card to new version
Why upgrade?
Key benefits of the new browse card:
Access controlled links to resources: Users will only see the resources they have access to eliminating user frustration of clicking links to unavailable resources.
Tabs for organizing resources: Gives you the ability to organize resources by persona, domain, business unit, functional role, etc.
Rich content in tabs: Add rich content introduction text to tabs for an improved end user experience.
Upgrading to the new browse card ensures that users can continue to use it without any disruption. However, you have the option to enhance the browse card for a better user experience. For instance, you can update resource links to incorporate the access control feature and create tabs to reorganize the resources within the browse card.
This action is not reversible.
How to upgrade using the UI?
To upgrade the legacy browse card to the new version:
Click your Profile icon on the right side of the top navigation. From the menu, select Admin portal.
On the Admin portal, from the Settings page, select Browse card.
Click the Upgrade button. The browse card updates to the new version with a refreshed UI. Preview the changes in the Preview section.
Click the Apply changes button. When prompted, confirm the upgrade. Changes will be applied immediately for all users in the organization.
This action is not reversible.
Once you have completed the upgrade, users can continue to use the browse card without any disruption. However, you can choose to enhance the browse card to improve the experience of the users. For example, you can update the resource links to use the access control feature and create tabs and reorganize the resources in the browse card.
Next, you need to update your resource links. Resources indicated with an asterisk (*) are manual links and do not have access control enforced.
To enforce access control for resources, upgrade the links in the browse card:
Click the link within a section. The Edit browse card link window opens.
Click Search for a different resource to remap the resource to the link.
In the Resource field, search for your resource. The field shows search results as you type in it. Locate the resource from the dropdown menu.
Click Done to complete the link upgrade process.
Return to the browse card and click the Apply changes button to save all updates.
Further enhance the browse card by adding new tabs and sections to reorganize the resources in your browse card!
How to upgrade using the MDP?
If you have configured your original browse card using the metadata profile, then use the following guidelines to upgrade your browse card.
To upgrade the legacy browse card to the new version:
Open the exising instance-profile.ttl file for the browse card in a text editor.
Covert the legacy browse card to tabbed browse card:
Table 1.Legacy code
New code
Sample code
:BrowseCardProfile a instance:BrowseCardProfile; kos:title "Featured" ; common:subtitle "Recommended recipes and menus, grouped by season." ; instance:hasBrowseCardPresentation [ a instance:SimpleSectionedBrowseCardPresentation; common:section :SectionSummer, :SectionFall, :SectionSpring, :SectionWinter ; ] .
Sample code
:BrowseCardProfile a instance:BrowseCardProfile; instance:hasBrowseCardPresentation [ a instance:TabbedBrowseCardPresentation; common:tab :TabFeatured ; ] . :TabFeatured a common:Tab ; kos:title "Featured" ; common:subTitle "Recommended recipes and menus, grouped by season." ; common:section :SectionSummer, :SectionFall, :SectionSpring, :SectionWinter .
Convert the syntax for links to resources to new syntax. Making this change allows you to enformce the access control feature for resources in the catalog.
Table 2.Legacy code
New code
User or organization
instance:BrowseCardAgentEntryPresentation instance:agentid instance:path instance:title
Sample code
:ItemPresentation1 a instance:BrowseCardAgentEntryPresentation; instance:agentid "spongebob"; instance:path "/spongebob"; kos:title "SpongeBob SquarePants".
instance:BrowseCardAgentSearchResultPresentation instance:agentid
Sample code
:ItemPresentation1 a instance:BrowseCardAgentSearchResultPresentation; instance:agentid "spongebob".
instance:BrowseCardDatasetLinkPresentation instance:agentid instance:datasetid instance:pathinstance:title
Sample code
:ItemPresentation2 a instance:BrowseCardDatasetLinkPresentation; instance:agentid "democorp"; instance:datasetid "discoverable-dataset-in-org"; instance:path "/democorp/discoverable-dataset-in-org"; kos:title "discoverable dataset in org".
instance:BrowseCardDatasetSearchResultPresentation instance:agentid instance:datasetid
Sample code
:ItemPresentation2 a instance:BrowseCardDatasetSearchResultPresentation; instance:agentid "democorp"; instance:datasetid "discoverable-dataset-in-org".
Project links
instance:BrowseCardProjectLinkPresentation instance:agentid instance:projectid instance:path instance:title
Sample code
:ItemPresentation3 a instance:BrowseCardProjectLinkPresentation; instance:agentid "democorp"; instance:path "/democorp/sample-project"; kos:title "Sample project"; instance:projectid "sample-project".
instance:BrowseCardProjectSearchResultPresentation instance:agentid instance:projectid
Sample code
:ItemPresentation3 a instance:BrowseCardProjectSearchResultPresentation; instance:agentid "democorp"; instance:projectid "sample-project".
instance:BrowseCardInsightLinkPresentation instance:agentid instance:projectid instance:insightid instance:path instance:title
Sample code
:ItemPresentation4 a instance:BrowseCardInsightLinkPresentation; instance:agentid "democorp"; instance:path "/democorp/demo-project-xproject-03-10-2024/insights/e5f39d94-1ef3-40f2-9ceb-783ef30414ee"; kos:title "ANOTHER INSIGHT"; instance:projectid "demo-project-xproject-03-10-2024"; instance:insightid "e5f39d94-1ef3-40f2-9ceb-783ef30414ee".
instance:BrowseCardInsightSearchResultPresentation instance:projectid instance:agentid instance:insightid
Sample code
:ItemPresentation4 a instance:BrowseCardInsightSearchResultPresentation; instance:agentid "democorp"; instance:projectid "demo-project-xproject-03-10-2024"; instance:insightid "e5f39d94-1ef3-40f2-9ceb-783ef30414ee".
instance:BrowseCardCollectionLinkPresentation instance:path instance:title
Sample code
:ItemPresentation5 a instance:BrowseCardCollectionLinkPresentation; instance:path "/democorp/catalog/collection/H6r64NwCIoEkTvATWamuXVcGEMBVRV70Aa3hgndeizI"; kos:title "tableau-catalog".
instance:BrowseCardMetadataSearchResultPresentation instance:agentid # ID of the organization instance:referent # IRI of the resource
Sample code
:ItemPresentation5 a instance:BrowseCardMetadataSearchResultPresentation; instance:agentid "democorp"; instance:referent "https://democorp.app.linked.data.world/d/ddw-catalogs/cat.0c6334".
Business Term
instance:BrowseCardCatalogBusinessTermLinkPresentation instance:path instance:title
Sample code
:ItemPresentation6 a instance:BrowseCardCatalogBusinessTermLinkPresentation; instance:path "/democorp/catalog/resource/AZKxYxRuErJlezKgQzNDCj-nTGQqEIpPMyB5fQDRS20"; kos:title "Purchase Order (PO)".
instance:BrowseCardMetadataSearchResultPresentation instance:agentid # ID of the organization instance:referent # IRI of the resource
Sample code
:ItemPresentation6 a instance:BrowseCardMetadataSearchResultPresentation; instance:agentid "democorp"; instance:referent "https://democorp.app.linked.data.world/d/ddw-catalogs/businessTerm-c6115fd5-123".
Metadata resources
instance:BrowseCardCatalogEntryLinkPresentation instance:path instance:title
Sample code
:ItemPresentation7 a instance:BrowseCardCatalogEntryLinkPresentation; instance:path "/democorp/catalog/resource/4xem1r_hZy1akP4dc3wMPJ-b_UjV7IPYpblWptA81n4"; kos:title "Commission Model".
instance:BrowseCardMetadataSearchResultPresentation instance:agentid # ID of the organization instance:referent # IRI of the resource
Sample code
:ItemPresentation7 a instance:BrowseCardMetadataSearchResultPresentation; instance:agentid "democorp"; instance:referent "https://democorp.linked.data.world/d/ddw-catalogs/dashboard-ad9fc869-d2f3".