Working with query results
Once you have created a query, run it successfully, and you get the query results, you can do many things with the results to use them efficiently.
Download as CSV or XLSX files
Open with third-party apps
Save to a dataset or project
Share as a URL or embeddable code
Downloading results as CSV or XLSX files
To download a copy of the query results as CSV or XLSX files:
In the query results area, click the Download button and click one of the following options: Download as CSV or Download as XLSX. A copy of the results are saved on your machine.
Opening with third-party apps
To open results in third-party apps:
In the query results area, click the Open in app button.
If you want to use the built-in Chart Builder app, click the Open with Chart Builder option. When prompted, authorize the Chart Builder app to connect using your account. The next screen shows the Chart Builder. Use it to create charts from the query.
If you want to enable another integration, click the Add more integrations option. From the list of presented integrations, select the one you want to enable.
When you access the query results area after this, the Open in app button now shows the list of enabled integrations, with an option to add more integrations.
Getting URL or embeddable code for query results
Another option for accessing query results is through URLs and embedable code for markdown:
Download URL: A link to download the latest results for the query in CSV format. This URL can be used in the application or can be shared outside the application as download link.
Embeddable markdown code: Likewise, you can generate code for embedding the results of the query on a page that supports markdown. For example, use this code to highlight the results in a summary of a project in the application. You can also use this embeddable code in any third-party apps that support markdown.
Note: The link and markdown code can be configured to use the query as it existed at the time at which the link or code was generated. Or, they can be set to respect changes to the query over time and always use the latest version of the saved query.
To get the URL or embeddable code for query results:
In the Query results area, click the Download button and click the Copy URL or embed code option.
In the Share or embed this query window, do the following:
Enable the Allow changes to the original query to update option if you want the updates to the query to automatically update the results for the shared URL or embeddable code. Note that the URLs in the next two fields change when you toggle this option.
Next, copy the URLs to the download link or the embeddable code for markdown.
Click Done to close the window.
Saving query results as tables to datasets or projects
The application gives you an option to save a copy of your results as tables to datasets and projects. While saying the tables you get to define how the data is updated in the saved tables. The main reasons you might want to save your query as a new data file are security and ease of analysis.

To save query results as tables to datasets and projects:
In the query results area, click the Download button and click the Save to dataset or project option. The Choose how data updates window opens.
In the Choose how data updates window, do the following if you want a live link for the query results:
Click the Live view option to ensure each query or preview is up to date with source data at all times. Data continues to live at its source. Any queries executed against this data will be translated and executed against the source dataset.
In the next window, provide a name for the file.
Select from the list of datasets and projects. You can also select the option to save to a dataset, which saves the query results to the new dataset and automatically links the new dataset to the project.
In the Choose how data updates window, do the following if you want a data extract of the query results:
Click the Data extract option if want the data to be pulled into and processed into the internal representation. It can be set to update at specific intervals. Select this option when you want to cache results to a file for further analysis.
In the next window, enable the Maintain link to saved query option if you want the modifications to the original query text will be reflected on next sync.
Provide a name for the file.
Select from the list of datasets and projects. You can also select the option to save to a dataset, which saves the query results to the new dataset and automatically links the new dataset to the project.