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Getting access to audit events tables through a dataset

Private instance and single tenant instance installations get the audit_events and audit_events_with_changes tables through a special baseplatformdata dataset.


You will see the events data captured for the last 90 days. If you have purchased additional add-ons, you may be entitled to the full audit history from the time users had started using the application. Contact your Customer Success Director for more details.

The information in the tables in the dataset is automatically updated every 6 hours. Do not make any manual edits to this dataset as the changes will be overwritten with each automatic update of the dataset.

If you don't have access to the dataset or the tables in it, do the following to get access:

  1. Contact support team to get the special baseplatformdata dataset added to your organization.

  2. In your request to the support team, include the name and ID of the organization where you want them to add the baseplatformdata dataset.

  3. Once the Support team informs you that the dataset is added to your organization, you can browse to the dataset to view the audit_events and audit_events_with_changes tables.