Configure the browse card using the UI (legacy version)
This information applies only to the legacy version of the browse card. For new browse card details, see this documentation. We highly encourage you to upgrade to the new version of the browse card.
Only users with the Instance administrator permission can do this task. Please contact your instance administrator if you are not authorized to do this task.
Configuring the browse card
To navigate to the browse card settings:
Click your Profile icon on the right side of the top navigation.
From the menu, select Admin portal.
On the Admin portal, from the Settings page, select Browse card.
To configure the browse card:
On the Browse card page, in the Title and Subtitle fields, provide the name of your title and subtitle accordingly.
Next, in the Browse card sections, click the Add section button. The Add a new browse card section window opens.
In the Add a new browse card section window, do the following:
Provide a title for the section.
If you want to make your title as a link to the resource, click on the Make selection title a link option. Do one of the following:
To link internal resource, search your resource in the Resource field, and locate the resource from the dropdown menu. Click Done. The field shows search results as you type in it.
To link external resource, click on Manually create link instead. Provide a title and a URL link to external resource. Click Done.
After you provide a title and link if needed, click the Add section button.
Next, click the Add link button to add necessary resources to your section. The Add browse card link window opens.
Make sure you don't have empty sections, as a section cannot be empty to be able to save the configuration.
In the Add browse card link window, do one of the following:
To link internal resource, search your resource in the Resource field, and locate the resource from the dropdown menu. Click Done. The field shows top five search results as you type in it.
To link external resource, click on Manually create link instead. Provide a title and a URL link to external resource. Click Done.
To preview and save the browse card configuration:
In the Preview section, you can see the preview of your Browse card even before saving it.
Click the Apply changes button. Changes will be applied immediately for all users of the application.

Editing your browse card
After you complete the configuration, you can add more sections and links and reorder them. You can also edit the existing sections and links:

To edit the browse card:
To edit your section, click the Edit icon. The Edit browse card window opens. In the window, click the Delete button to delete the section. Note: If you delete the section, the links in it will also be deleted.
To edit your link, click on the title of the link. The Edit browse card link window opens. In the window, click the Delete button to delete the link.
To add new section, click the Add icon and follow the instructions from the step 3.
To add new link, click the Add link and follow the instructions from the step 5.
To reorder the section or the link, just drag and move the items.
View the results 🥳
Browse to the Application home page and you should now see the newly added browse card available there. Click through to access the various collections and organization profile pages.
Any time to make changes to the browse card configuration, refresh the browser page to see the updated browse card on the Application home page.