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Create a custom field and add to an out-of-the-box resource (CTK)

In this tutorial, we will add a custom field titled Data Steward and incorporate it into the Information section of the Business Terms page.

Create a custom field and add the field to Business terms page


Perform this task in the Catalog Configuration organization.

  1. On the Organization profile page, go to the Resources tab.

  2. Click the New button and select the Catalog resource option.

  3. On the Create a new resource page, in the Select type tab, select Metadata field - freeform. Click the Continue to configure fields button.

    The Create a new Metadata field - freeform page opens.

  4. In the Configure fields tab, set the following in the About section.

    1. In the Title field, provide a name of the field you want to add. For example, let us add a field called Data Steward.

    2. From the Collections dropdown, select the Metadata profile collection.

  5. In the Configure fields tab, set the following in the More information section.

  6. Click Continue to review Metadata field - freeform.

  7. In the Review Metadata field - freeform tab, check the configuration details for any possible errors before saving it. If adjustments are needed, click Back to edit the configuration.

  8. Click the Create Metadata field - freeform button.

Publish the changes

View the results!🎉


Perform this task in the Catalog Sandbox organization.

  1. In the Catalog Sandbox organization, go the Glossary tab of the Organization profile page and create a new glossary term.

  2. The custom field Data Steward is available while creating the business term.

  3. Once you set the value, you can see it on the Overview tab, in the Informational section.
