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Create the configuration file for the browse card

The browse card is configured using the instance-profile.ttl file. Use the syntax explained in this section to create your configuration file.


Before you begin setting up the ttl file, gather the values for the different objects (collections, insights, datasets, etc) you plan to add to the browse card.

Collect configuration details

After you have decided the resources you want to add to your browse card, note down the following information about the resources.

You will capture this information from the URL field of the browser window.

Table 1.

For resource

Gather information

Sample value



  • Collection URL: Copy this URL from the URL field of the browser window.

  • Name of the collection: Note: this is the name of the collection that will appear on the card. If the name changes, you'll have to manually update this value in the configuration.

  • /democorp/catalog/collection/vtUzJk2JSwgifVx3jlNt

  • Competitive Analysis

This opens the collection page.


  • The ID of the organization.

NOTE: Copy this information from the URL field of the browser window.

  • sales-engineering

This opens the organization profile page.


  • The ID of the organization.

  • The ID of the dataset.

NOTE: Copy this information from the URL field of the browser window.

  • sales-engineering

  • sales-reports

This opens the dataset page.


  • The ID of the organization.

  • The ID of the project.

NOTE: Copy this information from the URL field of the browser window.

  • sales-engineering

  • sales-project

This opens the project page.


  • The ID of the organization.

  • The ID of the project.

  • The ID of the insight.

NOTE: Copy this information from the URL field of the browser window.

  • sales-engineering

  • sales-project

  • zJk2JSwgifVx3jl

This opens the insight available in the project.

External website links

The URL of the external resource

This opens the external website.

STEP 1: Add the prefixes for this configuration and declare the instance profile

Use the following syntax to add the the prefixes for this configuration and declare the instance profile and define that this instance profile includes a browse card.

  • In these configurations, only change the URL of your installation in the first line. Do not change anything else.

    • Replace YourInstllationName with the name of the installation.

      For example, if your application URL is: 8bank is the name of your installation.

    • The value will look like: <>.

@prefix :         <> .
@prefix instance: <> .
@prefix common:   <> .
@prefix kos:      <> .
  a                             instance:InstanceProfile ;
  kos:title                     "My Instance Profile" ;
  instance:hasBrowseCardProfile :BrowseCardProfile ;

STEP 2: Define the title and subtitle of the section

Now, use the following syntax to define the title and subtitle of the section. You can change the values for title and subtitle - Find the right starting point on and Explore important organizations and collections. to be what you want.

In this section, we are also declaring the Browse Card Profile and creating a presentation for this browse card. We are using a simple sectioned presentation format.

    a                                  instance:BrowseCardProfile ;
    kos:title                          "Find the right starting point on" ;
    common:subTitle                    "Explore important organizations and collections." ;
:BrowseCardPresentation a instance:SimpleSectionedBrowseCardPresentation .
:BrowseCardProfile instance:hasBrowseCardPresentation :BrowseCardPresentation .

STEP 3: Add a section with links to organization profile pages and collections

Use the following syntax to configure the first section.

  1. First, we are adding a link to the organization profile page of the Marketing organization.

  2. Next, we are adding the collection Competitive Analysis. Note that while creating the configurations, you can use any name for the collection as the collection will be recognized by the instance:path (that is the path for the collection). Also, if the name of collection is changed from the UI, this configuration does not need to be updated.

  3. Similarly, add the organization profile page for Sales organization and a collection from it.

  4. Next, define the MarketingAndSales section where we will add all these resources and define their order.

##Add the link to the organization profile page. Note that agentid is the ID of the organization.
    a instance:BrowseCardAgentEntryPresentation ;
    instance:agentid "marketing-org" ;
    kos:title "Marketing catalog" ;
    a common:Item ;
    kos:sortOrder 1 ;
    common:itemPresentation :MarketingCatalogItemPresentation ;

##Add the link to the collection in the organization and provide the title you want to use on the bowse card.
    a instance:BrowseCardCollectionLinkPresentation ;

    instance:path "/marketing-org/catalog/collection/fETwtog2dYPJduxAwDf-lQYDmtJz36U2WtIpqHPsgDY" ;
    kos:title "Competitive analysis" ;
    a common:Item ;
    kos:sortOrder 2 ;
    common:itemPresentation :CompetitiveAnalysisItemPresentation ;

##Add the link to the organization profile page.
    a instance:BrowseCardAgentEntryPresentation ;
    instance:agentid "sales-org" ;
    kos:title "Sales Catalog" ;
    a common:Item ;
    kos:sortOrder 3 ;
    common:itemPresentation :SalesCatalogItemPresentation  ;

##Add the link to the collection in the organization and provide the title you want to use on the bowse card.

    a instance:BrowseCardCollectionLinkPresentation ;
    instance:path "/sales-org/catalog/collection/Gd4SyQz2n1uVAN7WgJw3UVDbWlL3UdwKtb53H3kjeRk" ;
    kos:title "Sales playbook" ;
    a common:Item ;
    kos:sortOrder 4 ;
    common:itemPresentation :SalesPlaybookItemPresentation     ;

##Configure the presentation of the Marketing and Sales section.

    a common:SectionPresentation ;
    kos:title "Marketing and Sales" ;
    common:item :MarketingCatalogItem ;
    common:item :CompetitiveAnalysisItem ;
    common:item :SalesCatalogItem ;
    common:item :SalesPlaybookItem ;

    a common:Section ;
    kos:sortOrder 1 ;
    common:sectionPresentation :MarketingAndSalesSectionPresentation ;

STEP 4: Add a new type of section with a header that is a link to an organization profile page

In this task, we are defining the header of the section as a clickable link. We will also add a few items in the Customer Support section.

Use the following syntax to configure the second section.

# Support Section
#Add a collection
    a instance:BrowseCardCollectionLinkPresentation ;
    instance:path "/eng-org/catalog/collection/teROpYDPx3itpvo-UYPpiIHun8xILMTfV4oivZLb4B8" ;
    kos:title "Support collection" ;
    a common:Item ;
    kos:sortOrder 1 ;
    common:itemPresentation :CusomerSupportCollectionItemPresentation ;
#Add link to the organization profile page for another organization.
    a instance:BrowseCardAgentEntryPresentation ;
    instance:agentid "docs-gk" ;
    kos:title "Documentation" ;
    a common:Item ;
    kos:sortOrder 2 ;
    common:itemPresentation :DocsCatalogItemPresentation ;
#Define the header of the section to point to the organization profile page of the support organization
    a instance:BrowseCardAgentEntryPresentation ;
    instance:agentid "eng-org" ;
    kos:title "Customer Support" ;
#Make the header of the section a clickable link.
    a instance:BrowseCardLinkableSectionPresentation ;
    instance:hasHeaderPresentation :SupportCatalogHeaderPresentation ;
    common:item :CusomerSupportCollectionItem;
    common:item :SupportDocsCatalogItem ;

    a common:Section ;
    kos:sortOrder 2 ;
    common:sectionPresentation :SupportSectionPresentation ;

Step 5: Add a section with external links, dataset, project, insights

Use the following syntax to add links to variety of resources - datasets, projects, insights in projects, and external websites.

#Add a link to a dataset
    a instance:BrowseCardDatasetLinkPresentation ;
    instance:agentid "sales-org" ;
    instance:datasetid "sales" ;
    kos:title "Trending dataset" ;
    :DatasetItem a common:Item ;
                           kos:sortOrder 1 ;
                           common:itemPresentation :DatasetLinkPresentation ;

#Add a link to a Project
    a instance:BrowseCardProjectLinkPresentation ;
    instance:agentid "sales-org" ;
    instance:projectid "sales-project" ;
    kos:title "Most popular project" ;

:ProjectItem a common:Item;
                           kos:sortOrder 4 ;
                           common:itemPresentation :ProjectLinkPresentation ;

#Add link to an external website
    a instance:BrowseCardExternalLinkPresentation ;
    instance:path "" ;
    kos:title "Catalog and cocktails" ;
:ExternalLinkItem a common:Item ;
                           kos:sortOrder 2 ;
                           common:itemPresentation :OtherExternalLinkPresentation ;

#Add link to an insight available in a project

    a instance:BrowseCardInsightLinkPresentation ;
    instance:agentid "sales-org" ;
    instance:projectid "sales-project" ;
    instance:insightid "f3034782-b34e-4558-8719-cc762d6bf8ea" ;
    kos:title "Insight on next quarter projections" ;
  :InsightItem a common:Item ;
                           kos:sortOrder 3 ;
                           common:itemPresentation :InsightLinkPresentation ;
#Configure the section to display all these links
:OtherSectionPresentation a common:SectionPresentation ;
                                 kos:title "Other useful resources" ;
                                 common:item :DatasetItem ;
                                 common:item :ExternalLinkItem ;
                                 common:item :ProjectItem ;
                                 common:item :InsightItem ;

:OtherSection a common:Section ;
                    kos:sortOrder 1 ;
                    common:sectionPresentation  :OtherSectionPresentation ;


STEP 6: Add all 3 sections to the browse card

Finally, define add all these sections to the browse card.

:BrowseCardPresentation common:section :MarketingAndSalesSection ;
                        common:section :SupportSection ;
                        common:section :OtherSection;

Complete syntax for this task

After you have completed this task, you will have the instance-profile.ttl file ready with the following syntax.


Please ensure that is the is saved as an RDF file type with the extension .ttl.

@prefix :         <> .
@prefix instance: <> .
@prefix common:   <> .
@prefix kos:      <> .
  a                             instance:InstanceProfile ;
  kos:title                     "My Instance Profile" ;
  instance:hasBrowseCardProfile :BrowseCardProfile ;

    a                                  instance:BrowseCardProfile ;
    kos:title                          "Find the right starting point on" ;
    common:subTitle                    "Explore important organizations and collections." ;

:BrowseCardPresentation a instance:SimpleSectionedBrowseCardPresentation .

:BrowseCardProfile instance:hasBrowseCardPresentation :BrowseCardPresentation .

##Add the link to the organization profile page.
    a instance:BrowseCardAgentEntryPresentation ;
    instance:agentid "marketing-org" ;
    kos:title "Marketing catalog" ;
    a common:Item ;
    kos:sortOrder 1 ;
    common:itemPresentation :MarketingCatalogItemPresentation ;

##Add the link to the collection in the organization and provide the title you want to use on the bowse card.
    a instance:BrowseCardCollectionLinkPresentation ;

    instance:path "/marketing-org/catalog/collection/fETwtog2dYPJduxAwDf-lQYDmtJz36U2WtIpqHPsgDY" ;
    kos:title "Competitive analysis" ;
    a common:Item ;
    kos:sortOrder 2 ;
    common:itemPresentation :CompetitiveAnalysisItemPresentation ;

##Add the link to the organization profile page.
    a instance:BrowseCardAgentEntryPresentation ;
    instance:agentid "sales-org" ;
    kos:title "Sales Catalog" ;
    a common:Item ;
    kos:sortOrder 3 ;
    common:itemPresentation :SalesCatalogItemPresentation  ;

##Add the link to the collection in the organization and provide the title you want to use on the bowse card.

    a instance:BrowseCardCollectionLinkPresentation ;
    instance:path "/sales-org/catalog/collection/Gd4SyQz2n1uVAN7WgJw3UVDbWlL3UdwKtb53H3kjeRk" ;
    kos:title "Sales playbook" ;
    a common:Item ;
    kos:sortOrder 4 ;
    common:itemPresentation :SalesPlaybookItemPresentation     ;

##Configure the presentation of the Marketing and Sales section.

    a common:SectionPresentation ;
    kos:title "Marketing and Sales" ;
    common:item :MarketingCatalogItem ;
    common:item :CompetitiveAnalysisItem ;
    common:item :SalesCatalogItem ;
    common:item :SalesPlaybookItem ;

    a common:Section ;
    kos:sortOrder 1 ;
    common:sectionPresentation :MarketingAndSalesSectionPresentation ;

# Support Section
    a instance:BrowseCardCollectionLinkPresentation ;
    instance:path "/eng-org/catalog/collection/teROpYDPx3itpvo-UYPpiIHun8xILMTfV4oivZLb4B8" ;
    kos:title "Support collection" ;
    a common:Item ;
    kos:sortOrder 1 ;
    common:itemPresentation :CusomerSupportCollectionItemPresentation ;

    a instance:BrowseCardAgentEntryPresentation ;
    instance:agentid "docs-gk" ;
    kos:title "Documentation" ;
    a common:Item ;
    kos:sortOrder 2 ;
    common:itemPresentation :DocsCatalogItemPresentation ;

    a instance:BrowseCardAgentEntryPresentation ;
    instance:agentid "eng-org" ;
    kos:title "Customer Support" ;

    a instance:BrowseCardLinkableSectionPresentation ;
    instance:hasHeaderPresentation :SupportCatalogHeaderPresentation ;
    common:item :CusomerSupportCollectionItem;
    common:item :SupportDocsCatalogItem ;

    a common:Section ;
    kos:sortOrder 2 ;
    common:sectionPresentation :SupportSectionPresentation

#Other Section

#Add a link to a dataset
    a instance:BrowseCardDatasetLinkPresentation ;
    instance:agentid "sales-org" ;
    instance:datasetid "sales" ;
    kos:title "Trending dataset" ;
    :DatasetItem a common:Item ;
                           kos:sortOrder 1 ;
                           common:itemPresentation :DatasetLinkPresentation ;

#Add a link to a Project
    a instance:BrowseCardProjectLinkPresentation ;
    instance:agentid "sales-org" ;
    instance:projectid "sales-project" ;
    kos:title "Most popular project" ;

:ProjectItem a common:Item;
                           kos:sortOrder 4 ;
                           common:itemPresentation :ProjectLinkPresentation ;

#Add link to an external website
    a instance:BrowseCardExternalLinkPresentation ;
    instance:path "" ;
    kos:title "Catalog and cocktails" ;
:ExternalLinkItem a common:Item ;
                           kos:sortOrder 2 ;
                           common:itemPresentation :OtherExternalLinkPresentation ;

#Add link to an insight available in a project

    a instance:BrowseCardInsightLinkPresentation ;
    instance:agentid "sales-org" ;
    instance:projectid "sales-project" ;
    instance:insightid "f3034782-b34e-4558-8719-cc762d6bf8ea" ;
    kos:title "Insight on next quarter projections" ;
  :InsightItem a common:Item ;
                           kos:sortOrder 3 ;
                           common:itemPresentation :InsightLinkPresentation ;
#Configure the section to display all these links
:OtherSectionPresentation a common:SectionPresentation ;
                                 kos:title "Other useful resources" ;
                                 common:item :DatasetItem ;
                                 common:item :ExternalLinkItem ;
                                 common:item :ProjectItem ;
                                 common:item :InsightItem ;

:OtherSection a common:Section ;
                    kos:sortOrder 1 ;
                    common:sectionPresentation  :OtherSectionPresentation ;


#Add all sections to the browse card

:BrowseCardPresentation common:section :MarketingAndSalesSection ;
                        common:section :SupportSection ;
                        common:section :OtherSection;