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Creating collections

To create a new collection of metadata resources:

  1. Go to the Organization Profile page.

  2. Click the New button on the Overview tab > Collections section or on the Collections tab.

  3. On the Create a new resource page, in the Select type tab, select a type. The default option is Collection. You will see more options if you have added different type of collections. Click Continue to configure fields.

  4. On the Create a new Collection page, in the Configure fields tab, set the following:

    1. Title: Provide a title for the collection. If a collection with the identical title already exists, you will be informed about it on the next step. In case multiple collections have the same title, a list of collections are provided in a collapsible menu. By clicking on a collection title, you can open it in a new window to review its content. Duplicate names for collections are allowed, and you may proceed to create the collection with the chosen name.

    2. Parent collection: You need to set this option only if you want to add the collection as a subcollection of another collection. Leave it blank if you don't want to convert the collection into a subcollection.

    3. Description: Provide a brief description for the collection. You can use Markdown to create rich content with links, images, etc.

    4. Summary: Provide the definition of the collection that you are adding. You can use Markdown to create rich content with links, images, etc.

    5. Tags: Type in the tags field to select from the available tags or add new ones. As you start typing in the field, the system suggests existing tags.

    6. Status: Select the status of the term. Status helps users in your organization to know whether they can trust the information in this resource.

    7. Custom fields: Based on how your catalog is configured for your business needs, you might see some other custom fields. Set the fields that you wish to configure. Accounts as people fields are special custom fields that allow targeted selection from a list of active accounts.

  5. Once you are done, click Continue to review Collection.

  6. On the Review Collection tab, check collection details for any possible errors before saving it. If adjustments are needed, click Back to edit collection details.

  7. Click Create Collection. The creation page is closed and you are taken to your new Collection page.

  8. On the new collection page, click the New resource button to add new glossary term or catalog resources to the collection. Use the bulk upload options to quickly add resources to collections.

  9. The resources added to the collection are available in the Contains tab of the collection page.

    1. Navigate to the different sections in the Contains tab to see the list of specific resources added to the collection. Hover over any field to see complete details when text cannot be fully displayed in the column view. For fields like Created and Updated hover over the field values to see the exact date and time information.

    2. Sort the lists using the available sorting options.

    3. Utilize the Expand feature to view resources in full-screen mode, and click the Collapse button to return to the normal view.

Creating subcollections

Create subcollections to establish a hierarchy of collections. A collection can include up to 5 hierarchical levels of subcollections, making a total of 6 levels when including the main collection. While there is a limit of 5 hierarchical levels, each level can contain an unlimited number of subcollections.


Only users with the Edit catalog or Manage catalog access at the organization level can create subcollections.

To create a subcollection:

  1. Go to collection page for which you want to add a subcollection.

  2. Click the New subcollection button. Follow the process of creating a collection. The value in the Parent collection field is set to the collection you are in and cannot be changed.

  3. After you have created a collection, you can move it to other collections by editing the collection. Click Edit.

  4. In the Edit collection window, go to the Hierarchy tab and select the new parent collection.

Updating parent collection of an existing collection

To update a parent of an existing collection:

  1. Go to the collection page for which you want to set up a parent.

  2. Click Edit. The Edit collection window opens.

  3. In the Edit collection window, go to the Hierarchy tab and select the new parent collection.


    A child collection cannot act as the parent of a parent collection.

  4. Click the Save changes button.