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Navigating collections, glossary, and resources pages

The collections, glossary terms, and resources pages have a page level navigation available on the left side to navigate long pages with ease. Dedicated tabs are also available to navigate related and contained resources quickly and efficiently in an info-dense tabular view.

To navigate the collection, glossary, resources pages:

  1. Browse to any resource, glossary term, or collection you have access to.

  2. On the Overview tab, you have access to a left-side navigation panel for easy browsing through the various page sections, especially useful when dealing with pages that have numerous content-heavy sections. The Overview tab displays a Relationships summary card and the Eureka Explorer Lineage for resources.

  3. If you have setup relationships as fields (setup can be done using MDP or CTK), you will see those displayed on the Overview tab.

  4. Next, you will notice dedicated tabs that display the Related resources and Contained resources. For resources like Tables, you will see a Columns tab which display the columns in the table.

    1. Tables will always have Columns and Related tabs.

    2. Analysis will always have the Related tab.

    3. Business terms will always have Related tab.

    4. Collections will always have Contains tab and may have Related tab.

    5. Generic resources may have Related tab.

  5. The Related tab only shows up when relationships are defined for the resource. For Tables, Analysis, Business Terms, and Columns relationships are defined by default and hence the Related tab is always visible on them. For every other resource type (including Collections), users have to define the relationships and the tab is only displayed when these relationships are defined.

    From here you can navigate to the different related resources, remove the resources, or Add new resources. Use the Expand feature to view the resources in full screen mode.

  6. When you are in full screen mode, you can navigate to the different related resource from that view. Click the X button to back to the normal view.

  7. The Contains tab shows for Collections and displays all the resources contained in the collection. Navigate to the different sections in the tab to view the different resources contained in the collection. Use the Expand feature to view the resources in full screen mode.


    If you have the appropriate permissions, you also get an option to do quick edit of the resources.

  8. For Tables, you get a Columns tab that lets you view all the columns in the table. Leverage the Expand feature to view all the columns in full screen mode.

  9. On all these tabs, all the fields show hover text that include complete details about the field when the text cannot be displayed in the column view. For fields like Created and Updated hover over the field values to see the actual date and time information.
