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Integrating with DBT

The application provides an easy way to integrate with dbt cloud jobs. For example, let us say you have streaming data from your online sales that need to be monitored more frequently because it is being used in some high value dashboards to make crucial business decisions through the day. For that reason you may have set a dbt job to run hourly. Sentries provide a seamless integration with dbt cloud which allows you to hook into your jobs. We automatically map the outcomes of those jobs (OK, warn, error) to the states of the hoots (Happy, Sad, and Sick).

Creating DBT Jobs


Before you begin, get the DBT job ID and service token from your DBT instance.

To create a DBT job:

  1. From the Hoot Admin space, browse to Integrations.

  2. Click the DBT integration.

  3. Click the Add a DBT Job button.

  4. On the New DBT Cloud Job screen, provide the following details:

    1. Name: Provide a name for the job.

    2. Dbt job: Provide the job ID. Go to a job run in DBT and find the Job ID in the URL.

    3. Service token: Provide a service token for the DBT account where the job exists. You can generate and access service tokens from your team settings in DBT Cloud.

  5. Click the Create Dbt cloud job button.

Creating DBT Monitors

To create a DBT job monitor:

  1. From the Hoot Admin space, browse to Integrations.

  2. Click the DBT integration.

  3. Click the Create a monitor button.

  4. On the New DBT Cloud Monitor screen, provide the following details:

    1. Dbt cloud job: From the dropdown list, select a dbt cloud job configured in

    2. Monitor type: Select from Metrics, Models, Sources, Tests, Exposures, Seeds, Snapshots

    3. Monitor item: Select an item from the dropdown or leave blank to summarize all monitor items. The dropdown will show a list of items that are configured and available in DBT. If you have not configured any item in DBT, the list will be blank.

    4. Sad Hoot message: Provide a short optional message to be displayed on the connected Hoots when sad.

    5. Sick Hoot message: Provide a short optional message to be displayed on the connected Hoots when sick.

  5. Click the Create Dbt cloud monitor button.

Running the DBT Monitor

To run the monitor:

  1. On the DBT Cloud Monitors page, open an existing monitor.

  2. On the monitor details page, click the Run. The monitor will continue to automatically run every 30 minutes to check the latest status.

  3. When you run the monitor the first time, it automatically creates a Sentry for the monitor.

  4. Next, connect the Sentry with the appropriate hoot.