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Display custom relationships as fields on resource pages

Use this feature to highlight the most important custom relationships in your system by displaying them as fields on the Overview page in addition to the Related page. Before setting up relationships as fields, make sure you have already setup and configured the relationships between objects. Note that this feature is not available for out-of-the-box relationships.

Relationships as field added to an out-of-the-box section on a resource page:


Relationships as field added to a custom section on a resource page:


Relationships as field added to Eureka Explorer page:


Why would I do this?

This feature allows data consumers to see and edit the most important related resources for a resource without having to click over to the Related tab.

Use the following guidelines to plan relationships as fields.

  • Identify the related resource you want to display as a field on the Overview page.

  • If the relationship is bi-directional, decide if you want to show the relationship as field on both resources.

  • Identify the title to be used for the relationship field to be displayed on the Overview page. For example, in the example in this article we use the titles, Related Stewards, Related Acronyms.

  • Identify if you want to show the relationship in a custom section or in one of the out-of-the-box section.

Set up a relationship as a metadata field

  1. On the Organization profile page, go to the Overview tab or Resources tab. Click the New resource button and select Other resources.

    Alternatively, go to the Metadata profile collection. Click the New resource button and select Other resources

  2. In the Add new resource window, set the following and click Continue.

    • In the Title field, provide a name of the relationship you want to add. This will be the header for the field on the resource page.

    • From the Choose type section, select the Metadata fields - related option.

    • From the Choose one or more collections dropdown, select the Metadata profile collection.

  3. In the Edit resource window, on the Overview tab, set the following properties:

    • Display order: This setting allows you to determine the display position of the metadata field within a section. By default, it is set to None, which means the fields are sorted alphabetically.

    • Page visibility: Specify whether the field should be always displayed on the resource page or if should be hidden when it is empty. Default is Always show.

    • Hover hint: Provide a help text to give context to your users about the field when the cursor is hovererd on field values.

  4. Next, in the Edit resource window, select the relationship that the field should display:

    1. For relationships where the source types should display the field, select the relationship on the Relationships - source types tab. To make this field available as a search filter, from the relationship page enable the Filter by this relationship setting.

    2. For relationships where the target types should display the field, select the relationship on the Relationship - target types tab.

  5. Finally, in the Edit resource window, on the Section tab, define the section in which the field should be displayed. You can add it to any out-of-the-box section or custom section. To add the field to the Eureka Explorer sidebar, set the value as Explorer Sidebar Metadata.

  6. Click the Save changes button.

Publish the changes

View the results

  1. The relationship is shown as a field on the resource page, displaying up to five values. If a field has more than five values, you will see a More button. Clicking this button will take you to the Related tab.

  2. You can now easily append more related resources by simply clicking the Edit button on the Overview tab.