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Viewing column histogram information for files in the dataset

The following steps guide you through accessing and exploring detailed column information within your Dataset overview. This process will enhance your understanding of each column's characteristics, facilitating more precise data analysis.

To view the column histogram information:

  1. Navigate to the Dataset Overview page to view the table you are interested in.

  2. Locate the table on the overview page and click the Switch to Column Overview option.

  3. Upon switching, a detailed view of the column format and values is presented. Select any line representing a column to bring up more detailed information about that specific column.

  4. If a Histogram is displayed, you can hover over any point on it to view additional information about the respective value.

  5. By default, columns are sorted by frequency. You have the option to sort columns by value instead, according to your analysis needs.

  6. Observe additional details provided in the column overview, such as:

    • Number of distinct values

    • Number of empty and non-empty cells

    • Minimum, maximum, and mean length of values

    • Name of the table containing the column

    • Unique column identifier