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Adding columns of a table to a collection

The bulk editing support for columns feature allows you add all table columns to a collection at once, ensuring they stay organized and consistent. This enhancement streamlines the curation process, making it easier to manage and refine columns within individual tables.

For moving existing columns in a collection to another collection, refer to the Moving resources between collections page.

To add columns to a collection: 

  1. Open a table resource page.

  2. Go to the Columns tab.

  3. Click the Three dot menu and select Add collections. The Add to collections page opens.

  4. On the Add to collections page, on the Select resources screen, select the columns you want to add to collection. If you want to add all columns, click Select all results.

    Click Continue to select changes.

    The Select resource screen has a paginated list of resources with 50 resources per page, with a maximum of 2000 resources. If you have more than 2000 resources for a type, you will need to apply filters to gain access to additional resources that are initially not visible.

  5. On the Select changes screen, from the dropdown menu select the collections to which you want to add the resources. Click the Add resources button.

  6. On the Review changes screen, review your changes and click the Confirm changes button.

  7. Visit a column page to confirm that the column is now included in both the original collection and the new collections you selected.