Viewing Archie chat history
To view the Archie chat history:
Open the Archie chat window.
In the chat window header, click Previous chats. That opens a list of all your previous chats with Archie.
Use the filter on top of the list to locate the specific chat you are looking for.
Hover-over a chat to view details about the chat such as when it was created, updated, and ID of the chat.
If you want to continue a previous conversation, simply click to open the chat again and continue asking questions to Archie.
To rename a chat, click the Three dot menu and select Rename. Change the name of the chat and click Enter to save it.
To archive a chat, click the Three dot menu and select Archive. The chat will be removed from your list permanently and it cannot be retrieved.
To create a copy of an existing chat, click the Three dot menu and select Duplicate. A copy of the chat is created. Feel free to rename to provide a user friendly name.
Lastly, you can click the three dot menu to copy the ID of the chat. This comes handy when you share the details with the support team for troubleshooting help.