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Create select fields

Types of select fields

You can create three types of select field:

  • Single select field: where you can only select one option from the available options.

  • Multi select field: Where you can select more than one option from the available options.

  • Multi select field with multiple levels of options: Where you can select more than one option from the available options at multiple levels.


Create the select field

To create a select field: 

  1. On the Organization profile page, go to the Overview tab or Resources tab. Click the New resource button and select Other resources.

  2. In the Add new resource window, set the following and click Continue.

    • In the Title field, provide a name of the field you want to add. For example, let us add a field called Review date.

    • From the Choose type section, select the Metadata field - select option.

    • From the Choose one or more collections dropdown, select the Metadata profile collection.

  3. In the Edit resource window, set the following properties for the field and click the Save button.

    • Display order: Set the order for the field.

    • Page visibility: Select if the field should be always displayed on the resource page or if should be hidden when it is empty.

    • Edit modal visibility: For fields that are used less often, define them as additional properties so that they show as secondary field under an Add new field dropdown on the page where the field values are defined and edited.

    • Edit permissions: Select Can edit if users should be able to edit the value from the UI. Otherwise, set it to Read only.

    • Hover hint: Provide a help text to give context to your users about the field when they are viewing the field values.

    • Edit hint: Provide a help text to give context to your users for what values they should provide while they are editing the field.

    • External access: Select Access through API if you want the field to be available for use by APIs.

    • Filter by this field in search: This allows you to make the field available as a filter on the search results page.

    • Type: Select from single-select or multi-select.

  4. On the select field page that you just created, go to the Related tab.

  5. Click Add related resource and select, Type. In the window that opens, select the resources that should use this select field. By default, the field gets added to the Informational section. You can change it from the Sections tab of the window.

Configure options for the select field dropdown

To configure the options for the select field dropdown:

After setting up the field, we will set up the value of the field using a spreadsheet and add it to the dataset.

  1. In the Catalog Configuration organization, browse to the Select metadata fields dataset.

  2. Download the sample Select_metadata_fields.xlsx file. You will notice that it shows how to create values for a Geography field with multiple levels.

  3. In the same file or a new Excel file, add a new sheet. Name the sheet exactly what you named the field.


    You can name the file anything you want but the names of the sheet should exactly match the names of the fields you have created. However, if the field name contains special characters, you can omit the special characters from the name. For example, for a field named Enabled?, name the sheet Enabled.

  4. In the sheet, add a column called Level 1 and under it add the values for the field.

  5. Likewise, to add a multi level field values, add Level 2, Level 3, etc.

  6. After you are done, add the Excel file to the Select metadata fields dataset.

  7. Publish the changes..

  8. In the Sandbox organization, go to the resource page for which you added the select field. You can now use the select field options to define the value of the field.