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Troubleshooting Denodo collector issues

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  • Enterprise

Collector runtime and troubleshooting

The catalog collector may run in several seconds to many minutes depending on the size and complexity of the system being crawled.

  • If the catalog collector runs without issues, you should see no output on the terminal, but a new file that matching *.dwec.ttl should be in the directory you specified for the output.

  • If there was an issue connecting or running the catalog collector, there will be either a stack trace or a *.log file. Both of those can be sent to support to investigate if the errors are not clear.

A list of common issues and problems encountered when running the collectors is available here.

Issue 1: Collector times out

The following message is observed in the collector error logs:

w.d.c.c.jdbc.DenodoCatalogCollector - Denodo collector executing dependency query: select * from VIEW_DEPENDENCIES() 
2023-12-11 ERROR w.d.c.c.jdbc.DenodoCatalogCollector - error extracting dependencies java.sql.SQLException: Error executing query. 
Total time 100.000 seconds. QUERY [PROJECTION]
  • Cause: The collector has a default timeout of 100 seconds when querying the dependencies from Denodo.

  • Solution: Change the timeout by adding the queryTimeout jdbc property (milliseconds) to the collector parameters. The following example sets the query timeout to be 10 minutes. You may need to adjust if you have a larger database. See Denodo documentation for more details.

    --jdbc-property queryTimeout=600000

Issue 2: No lineage is harvested for Views

The following message is observed in the collector error logs: The user does not have WRITE privileges on the view name].

  • Cause: The user running the collector does not have permissions to read the view SQL.

  • Solution: Grant the user either the metadata_export role or write permissions for the views in the database. For details, see Creating user for running the collector

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