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Named graphs

To get more control over just what data is used in a query, and to enable different data to be used in different parts of a query, SPARQL has the concept of named graphs. These are graphs that are named using an IRI, and can be specified using FROM and FROM NAMED clauses, and GRAPH patterns in a SPARQL query. allows you to specify named graphs from various resources including:

  • Datasets

  • Project and project-unions

  • Files

Dataset graphs

Each dataset in can be referenced as a named graph.  It has an IRI in the form https://<agent_id><dataset_id>. The dataset graph allows data from one dataset to be accessed from a different dataset, or data from multiple datasets to be combined together.

Example - Named graph

Here is an example of a query against a single dataset graph:

PREFIX airports: <>
PREFIX cities: <>

SELECT ?abbreviation ?city ?state
FROM cities:
    ?q cities:col-cities-airport ?abbreviation.
    ?q cities:col-cities-city    ?city.
    ?q cities:col-cities-state   ?state.

Run the query

This is what it looks like on


Here is an example of a query against a single dataset using FROM NAMED and GRAPH:

PREFIX airports: <>
PREFIX cities: <>

SELECT ?abbreviation ?city ?state
FROM NAMED cities:
    GRAPH cities: {
        ?q cities:col-cities-airport ?abbreviation.
        ?q cities:col-cities-city    ?city.
        ?q cities:col-cities-state   ?state.

Run the query

This is what it looks like when run on


Project and project-union graphs

Each project in can also be referenced as a named graph.  It has an IRI in the form https://<agent_id><project_id>.


Note that the project graph represents only the data present in the project, not in any datasets linked to the project.

The named graph which represents the data in a project merged with that in all of the datasets linked to that project is called a project-union graph and has an IRI in the form https://<agent_id><project_id>/project-union.

Example - Project and project union

Here is an example of a query against all the files in a project (NOT including the data in the linked datasets):

PREFIX airports: <>
PREFIX cities: <>

SELECT ?name ?abbreviation ?city ?state
{    ?q cities:col-cities-airport ?abbreviation.
    ?q cities:col-cities-city    ?city.
    ?q cities:col-cities-state   ?state.

Run the query

This is what the query looks like when run on


Here is an example of querying a project-union graph (with linked datasets):

PREFIX airports: <>
PREFIX cities: <>

SELECT ?abbreviation ?city ?state
FROM :project-union
    ?q cities:col-cities-airport ?abbreviation.
    ?q cities:col-cities-city    ?city.
    ?q cities:col-cities-state   ?state.

Run query

And this is what it looks like on


File graphs

For even more precise control over the data used in a query, supports querying the data from one individual RDF or tabular file in a dataset or project. The IRI for the file is in the form http://<agent_id><dataset_id>/file/<filename>.

To simultaneously query multiple files, use :files. The :files graph strictly includes the triples uploaded as RDF files - there are no axioms, ingest metadata, or tabular data, it is simply the data you uploaded.

Example for single file

Here is an example of a query run against a single file:

PREFIX file: <>

SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count)
FROM file:cities.csv
    ?s ?p ?o.

Run the query

This is what the query looks like when run on


Example for multiple files

Here is an example of a query run against multiple files:

PREFIX airports: <>
SELECT ?name
FROM :files
  ?s a airports:airport.
  ?s airports:name ?name.

Run the query

This is what the query looks like when run on


System, system-meta, and axiom graphs

As mentioned previously, enhances your data with a variety of metadata triples from standard data description ontologies.  This includes adding the axiom triples which define those ontologies to your dataset, making your data even more self-describing, and creating a very rich environment for data validation and publication.  Sometimes, you may wish to reference only those triples that has added. For that purpose, named graphs have been made available that consist of useful subsets of those triples.  These graphs are called:

  • :system - The :system graph for a dataset consists of all the metadata and axioms with which we have enhanced your data. 

  • :system-meta - The :system-meta graph contains the metadata generated for your dataset.

  • :axiom - The :axioms graph consists of just the axioms.


Here is an example of a query to count of the triples in the system graph of a dataset, which contains all of the metadata and axioms added by to the dataset.:


SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count)
FROM :system
    ?s ?p ?o.

Run the query

This is what it looks like when run on


Here is an example of a query to count the triples in the system-meta graph of a dataset, which contains all of the metadata added by to the dataset, excluding axioms:


SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count)
FROM :system-meta
    ?s ?p ?o.

Run query

This is what the query looks like when run on


Finally, here is an example of a query which counts all of the triples in the axioms graph of a dataset, created by adding ontology axioms to the database:


SELECT (COUNT(*) AS ?count)
FROM :axioms
    ?s ?p ?o.

Run query

This is what it looks like when run on
