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Getting access to platform metrics through a Snowflake Private Marketplace Listing

If you have a Snowflake account, can deliver the platform metrics directly to your Snowflake instance using Private Marketplace Listing.

The platform metrics delivered to your Snowflake account includes a collection of tables and secure views containing platform usage and governance data. It comprises of:

  • Events metrics

  • Membership metrics

  • Resources metrics

  • Tops metrics

  • Visits metrics


For this to work, the destination Snowflake account must be setup as Consumer of listings.

To get the metrics data delivered to your snowflake account:

  1. Contact support to get this delivery method setup for your installation.

  2. From the Snowflake console, get the account ID, URL, and Region and provide in your request to the support team. Also include the name and ID of the organization for which you want the audit events.

  3. Once the Support team informs you that the Private Marketplace Listing is set up, a Snowflake user with ACCOUNTADMIN privileges can view and accept the shared listing.  The listing will appear in the Snowsight Data > Private Sharing menu.

  4. Click the Private Listing entry and then click Get.  Accepting the listing creates a virtualized database representing the usage data in this Snowflake account. You can now view and query the audit data just as you would view any other data in Snowflake.

  5. Grant privileges to other users and roles for the data to be visible to other users in this Snowflake account.