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Prep tasks for AI Context Engine

Danger University!

Check out our AI Context Engine: Getting Started course.

Get access to the AI Context Engine API

Get access to the Developer Chat UI Tool

  • provides a web tool for developers to test the AI Context Engine during implementation. Contact the team to enable the tool for the accounts involved in building and setting up the AI Context Engine. Use this tool exclusively for testing and building; it is not intended for roll-out to end users.

    The tool URL will be like:

Virtualize your data

  • Ensure your data is virtualized in and is available in a dataset in These are the database tables/data sources that you query today to answer the questions you identified earlier. In case data virtualization is not set up at this time, you can alternatively start with a csv export that has the information that we need to answer the identified questions.

Create a project and link to dataset with virtualized data

  1. Create a project that will be used for hosting the Index, R2ML, and ontology files.

  2. Connect this project to the dataset that hosts the virtualized data.

  3. Add the ddw-standard-catalog-index.ttl file provided by to the ddw-catalogs dataset.