Create the excel file for the browse card for organization profile page
These instructions are specifically for adding browse card using the Catalog Toolkit. If your system does not have Catalog Toolkit, you can follow these instructions to set up browse card using Metadata Profile files.
The browse card is configured using the Browse_Card.xlsx file. Use the details explained in this section to create your configuration file.
Before you begin setting up the Browse_Card.xlsx file, gather the values for the different objects (collections, insights, datasets, etc) you plan to add to the browse card.
Collect configuration details
After you have decided the resources you want to add to your browse card, note down the following information about the resources:
You will capture this information from the URL field of the browser window.

For resource | Gather information | Sample values | Details |
| This opens the collection page. |
Organization |
| This opens the organization profile page. |
Datasets |
NOTE: Copy this information from the URL field of the browser window. |
| This opens the dataset page. |
Projects |
NOTE: Copy this information from the URL field of the browser window. |
| This opens the project page. |
Insights |
NOTE: Copy this information from the URL field of the browser window. |
| This opens the insight available in the project. |
STEP 1: Download the Browse_Card.xlsx file
In the Catalog configuration organization, browse to the DDW Template Files (ddw-template-files) dataset.
Download the Browse_Card.xlsx file.
STEP 2: Update the Browse_Card.xlsx file
Open the template excel sheet. Check the sheet names to make sure the names match the ID of the organization for which you want to create the browse card. For example, if the ID of the organization is 8bank-catalog-sandbox, the sheet name in the file should be 8bank-catalog-sandbox.
Let us start editing the sheet for the organization.
First, define the title and sub title of the section. You can change the values for title and subtitle Find the right starting point on and Explore important organizations and collections. to be what you want.
Next, start adding rows for the different items you want to present in the browse card.
When dealing with numerous sections that contain multiple resources, consider creating individual excel files for each section. You can then reference them from this file using the Items from file field. For instance, if you have an excel file with a sheet named external_docs, you would set external_docs as the value in this column.
In such cases, you should only provide values for Browse Card Title, Browse Card Subtitle, Section Title, Section Order, and Items from file. All the remaining values should be defined in the separate file you are referencing.
If you want the section title to be linked to a resource, set the Item order to be 0 and make make sure the Section title and the Item title have the same values and fill the other fields, as required.
Table 2.Item
Browse Card Title
The title of the browse card. This text will be common for all rows and must be repeated in all rows.
Browse Card Subtitle
Subtitle of the browse card. This text will be common for all rows and must be repeated in all rows.
Section Title
A title for the section.
Section Order
The order of the section.
Item title
A title for the item. If you want the section title to be linked to a resource, set the Item title to be exactly same as the Section Title.
Item order
The order of the item in the section. If you want the section title to be linked to a resource, Set to 0 .
Link type
Options available are: Collection, Dataset, Project, Insight, External URL.
Collection URL
Required only for collection links.
External URL
Required only for external links.
Org ID
Required for Dataset, Project, Insight.
Resource ID
Required for Dataset, Project, Insight. For insights, provide the ID of the project to which the insight belongs.
Insight ID
Required only for Insights.
Items from file
When dealing with numerous sections that contain multiple resources, consider creating individual excel files for each section. You can then reference them from this file using the Items from file field. For instance, if you have an excel file with a sheet named external_docs, you would set external_docs as the value in this column.
In such cases, you should only provide values for Browse Card Title, Browse Card Subtitle, Section Title, Section Order, and Items from file. All the remaining values should be defined in the separate file you are referencing.
Sample browse card excel file.

Sample file referred from the browse card excel file.

Sample SQL for adding dynamic Items from a file:
select CONCAT("https://<slug>", resourceid) AS External_URL, resource AS Item_Title, "ExternalURL" AS Link_Type, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY pageviews DESC) AS item_order, * FROM tops_most_viewed_resources_last_90_days WHERE owner = "catalog-sandbox" AND resource_type = "Metric" ORDER BY pageviews DESC LIMIT 5