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Renaming objects safely with IRI overrides

When a new objects, such as collection types, custom resource types, metadata fields and values for select metadata fields, relationships, sections, statuses, are created in the Catalog configuration organization, the system automatically assigns a unique IRI (Internationalized Resource Identifier) to the object. Changing the title of the object results in a new IRI, which can hide all instances of the object created with the previous IRI from destination organizations. To prevent this, set the IRI override before changing the title of the object for the first time. This essential step ensures that all existing objects remain visible and functional in destination organizations. Establish the IRI override prior to making any title modifications to maintain seamless object visibility and functionality across all systems.

To set up IRI override:

  1. In the Catalog Configuration organization, locate the object you wish to rename.

  2. Navigate to a resource within one of the destination organizations that utilizes the object you intend to rename.

  3. Access the Settings > Technical Reference page. Note down the IRI associated with the object. For example, it could look like: For configuring the IRI override, we will use My_custom_object from the link and destination-org: to replace the first part of the link.

  4. In the Catalog Configuration organization, browse to the object you wish to rename.

    1. Click the Edit button on the Overview page.

    2. In the Edit window, browse to Technical details tab.

    3. Add an IRI override field. In the IRI Override field, input destination-org:<localIRI>. Replace <localIRI> with the IRI information noted earlier. For example, configure the IRI override by using My_custom_object from the link with the variable destination-org: to replace the first part, making the IRI compatible for all destination organizations. It will look like: destination-org:My_custom_object.

    4. Save the changes.

    5. Next, rename the object and save the changes.

    6. Publish the changes.

  5. Next, go to a destination organization, and check the object name. It should now be updated and retains all previous objects created with the old name.