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Set up the system for deploying collectors output & MDP (CTK)

In this section we will walk you through the process of getting your system setup for processing and showing the collector output and the related UI elements (MDP) to your end users. In this example, we will use the Tableau collector. You can follow the same process for the other collectors in system.

STEP 1: Check availability of datasets and projects for the data source

 First, we will check to make sure that the datasets and project for the data source are available and ready for use.


This task is performed in the Catalog sources organization.

  1. In the Catalog Sources organization, browse to the Organization profile page.

  2. From the Resources tab, check and verify that the following datasets and projects are available to you:

    • Project: DDW Catalog Tableau

    • Dataset for the Sandbox organization: DDW Tableau Sandbox

    • Dataset for the Main organization: DDW Tableau Main


    Organizations with different names! If your organizations are named differently, the datasets will be named accordingly. For example, if the organization is named Global, the dataset name will be DDW Tableau Global.


STEP 2: Run the collector


This task is performed in the Catalog sources organization.

  1. Run the collector.

    1. If you are running the collector using CLI or YAML files, make sure:

      1. --site:The name for the site into which you will load this catalog. For example, for, use --site="YourSiteName". This parameter should not be used for the multi-tenant or VPC instances.

      2. --account: Is set to point to the Catalog sources organization.

      3. --upload-location: Is set to the corresponding dataset for the collector available in the Catalog Sources organization. For example, for Tableau, it will be ddw-tableau-catalog-sandbox for the DDW Tableau Sandbox dataset or ddw-tableau-main for the DDW Tableau Main dataset depending on which organization you want the output to show in.

    2. If you are running the collector using the Cloud collectors, make sure:

      1. Make sure you run the Cloud collector in the Catalog sources organization.

      2. In the Configure the collector window, set the Automatic upload location as the corresponding dataset for the collector available in the Catalog Sources organization. For example, for Tableau, it will be ddw-tableau-catalog-sandbox for the DDW Tableau Sandbox dataset or ddw-tableau-main for the DDW Tableau Main dataset depending on which organization you want the output to show in.

  2. Once the collector has run successfully, browse to the collector specific dataset in the Catalog Sources organization. In this example, it is the DDW Tableau Sandbox dataset or DDW Tableau Main dataset. Verify that the output of the collector has been added to the dataset.


STEP 3: Add the metadata profile for the collector


This task is performed in the Catalog configuration organization.

  1. In the Catalog Configuration organization, go to the Metadata profiles collection.

  2. On the Overview tab, click the Edit button and from the Source Modules tab of the window, select Tableau. Click Save.

    Some important things to note:

    1. For Snowflake collector, if you plan to use specific the features, make sure you select the corresponding modules for it from the Source Modules tab:

      Table 1.

      Feature/collector setting

      Module needed

      Collect Snowflake tag information

      Collect Snowflake policy information

      Snowflake Tags and Policies

      Collect Snowflake table usage information

      Snowflake Table Usage

      Collect data metric function information

      Snowflake Data Metric Funtions

    2. For collectors that support data profiling, if you plan to use the feautre, make sure you select the corresponding module from the Other Modules tab:

      Table 2.

      Feature/collector setting

      Module needed

      Enable Sample String Values collection

      Enable column statistics collection

      Target sample size for column statistics

      Column Statistics

  3. Next, in the Catalog Configuration organization, go to the ddw-catalogs dataset. Locate the sync source-modules.ttl file in the dataset and click the Sync now button. This will load your selected source modules into Catalog Config.

  4. You will see a collection with the name of the data source (in this case Tableau) which has all the MDP configurations related to the data source is added to the organization.


STEP 4: Adjust the Collector metadata profile for your business needs


This task is performed in the Catalog configuration organization.

Now we will review the contents of the Metadata profile to see if you want to make any changes. When you complete STEP 4, the MDP for the collector are added to 2 places in the organization.

  1. The collection specific for the collector, for example, Tableau collection: This collection is created to preserve a pristine copy of the MDP related to the collector and it should be only used for reference and not edited.

  2. The Metadata profiles collection: An entity must be in the Metadata profile collection in order for it to sync to your destination organizations for the collector outputs. Therefore, if you want to hide an entity or relationship in your destination organization without deleting it, it can simply be removed from this Metadata profile collection.


STEP 5: Publish the MDP and collected metadata to end users


This task is performed in the Main or Sandbox organization.

  1. In the Main or Sandbox organization, go to the ddw-catalogs dataset.

  2. In the dataset, find the matching file for the collector, and click Sync now.

  3. In the dataset, locate the Sandbox/Main Metadata Profile.ttl file, click the Sync now button.

View the results🎉

  •  You can now browse to the Sandbox or Main organization and view the metadata collected by the Tableau collector.
