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Adding and removing relationships between resources

To add or remore relationships between resources:

  1. On the Resource page, browse to the Related tab. Here you can see all the related resources.

  2. Browse to the Add a related resource tab in the sidebar and click the Add a related resource button. Edit a related resource window opens.

  3. In the Edit a related resource window, set the following parameters:

    • From the Resource type dropdown, choose the type of resource you want to relate.

    • In the Related resource field, type the resource name and select it from the dropdown. To view all available resources of the selected type, type the * symbol.

    • From the Relationship type dropdown, choose the type of relationship between the resources.

      These types of relationships are pre-configured. If you cannot find the relationship type you need, please contact your catalog administrator.

  4. You can preview your changes before saving and continue to add relationships between other resources if desired.

  5. To remove a relationship, click the Remove button next to the relationship you wish to remove.

  6. Once you have made all the changes, click the Save change button. You can see your changes in the Related tab.