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About the Tableau collector (legacy version)


The Tableau collector can be run in the Cloud or on-premise using Docker or Jar files.


The latest version of the Collector is 2.259. To view the release notes for this version and all previous versions, please go here.

Use this collector to:

  • Discover Tableau objects (such as, Tableau workbooks and dashboards) in your Tableau Online or Tableau Server instance, etc.

  • Perform impact analysis to understand how changes to upstream data sources impact Tableau objects

Tableau version supported

  • The collector supports Tableau Cloud and Tableau Server. The specific versions supported are Tableau API versions 3.7-3.10 on Tableau Server v 2022.1

    It is expected that the collector will support current versions of Tableau Online and Tableau Server. If you have any questions or encounter problems, please contact Support.

Authentication supported

The Tableau collector supports the following methods for authentication:

These authentication details are used while generating the CLI or YAML file for the collector.

What is cataloged

The collector catalogs the following information.

Table 1.


Information cataloged


Name, Identifier, Description, Database Connection Type

Database tables

Name, Identifier

Database columns

Name, Identifier


Name, Description


Name, Description, Creator Email, Creator Name, Creator Tableau User, Preview Image, and Workbook URL

Note: Unpublished workbooks are not harvested. This is because the Tableau REST APIs do not return the objects if they are not published.


Name, Creator Email, Creator Name, Creator Tableau User, Preview Image, and Dashboard URL

Note: Unpublished dashboard are not harvested. This is because the Tableau REST APIs do not return the objects if they are not published.


Name, Creator Email, Creator Name, Creator Tableau User, Number of Views, Number of Favorites, Preview Image, and View URL

Note: Unpublished views are not harvested. This is because the Tableau REST APIs do not return the objects if they are not published.


Name, Identifier, Description

Calculated fields

Name, Identifier, Description, Calculation Formula


Name, Identifier, Description


Name, Identifier, Description


Name, Identifier, Creator, Creation Date, Modified Date, Metrics UrlField Data Type, Field Format, Field Type

Custom SQL tables

Name, Identifier, Description, Query

Embedded data sources

Name, Identifier

Published data sources

Name, Identifier, Description

Relationships between objects

By default, the harvested metadata includes catalog pages for the following resource types. Each catalog page has a relationship to the other related resource types. If the metadata presentation for this data source has been customized with the help of the Solutions team, you may see other resource pages and relationships.

Table 2.

Resource page



  • Schemas contained within database

  • Tables contained within database

Database tables

  • Views that use database table

  • Schema containing database table

  • Database containing the database table

Database columns

  • Table that a database column is part of


  • Views contained within the project

  • Workbooks contained within the project

  • Dashboards contained within project

  • Subprojects contained within project


  • Projects that contain workbook

  • Data sources embedded within workbook

  • Views contained within workbook


  • Fields used by dashboard

  • Projects containing dashboard

  • Tables used by dashboard

  • Workbooks containing dashboard

  • Views embedded in dashboard


  • Fields used by view

  • Projects containing view

  • Tables used by view

  • Workbooks containing view

  • Dashboards which embed the view


  • Data Sources containing field

  • Views using field

Calculated fields

  • Views that use the calculated field

  • Data sources that contain the calculated field


  • Data sources containing dimension

  • Table related to dimension


  • Data Source containing measure

  • Views using measure

Custom SQL tables

  • Views using Custom SQL table

Embedded data sources

  • Fields contained within embedded data source

  • Workbook embedding embedded data source

Published data sources

  • Fields contained within published data source

Lineage for Tableau

The collector does not support harvesting cross-system lineage when Tableau reports connect to a source system using ODBC connections.

Table 3.


Lineage available

Database columns and tables

Fields that use database columns and tables


Fields and tables that dashboards source their data from


Fields and tables that views source their data from


Columns, tables, and other fields that a field uses its data from

Embedded data sources

Published data sources

Supported cross-system lineage

The currently supported data sources for cross-system lineage are:

  • Postgres 

  • Snowflake

  • BigQuery

  • Redshift


    While other data sources are not formally supported, running the collector for those sources may still enable you to view cross-system lineage between TabIeau and these sources.

Important things to note about improving the performance of collector runs

Depending on the size of your Tableau instance, you may want to exclude or include specific resources from your catalog.

  1. Exclude object types: Use the --tableau-exclude parameter to exclude harvesting of certain object types. The supported object types are: View, Dashboard, Database, PublishedDataSource, EmbeddedDataSource, CalculatedField, ColumnField, BinField, GroupField, DatasourceField, CustomSQLTable, Metric

  2. Filter to specific Tableau site: Use the --tableau-site parameter to filter to a specific site.

  3. Filter to specific Tableau projects: Use the --tableau-project parameter to harvest from multiple tableau projects. Use the parameter multiple times for multiple projects.

  4. Filter out specific Tableau projects: Use the --tableau-exclude-project parameter to skip harvesting from multiple tableau projects. Use the parameter multiple times for multiple projects.

  5. GraphQL page size: Use the --tableau-graphql-page-size parameter to adjust the GraphQL page size. The maximum page size is 1000.

  6. Increase Docker resources: If you run into out of memory errors, increase the memory on the machine running the collector, or increase the java heap size when running a jar file, or use filtering.