Unlike other file types, RDF files and their contents are added to the graph directly with no transformation required.
There are several different file formats for RDF. The following file formats are the ones we support:
We do not currently support the formats below--either because they support quads, or because they require external links to evaluate (links to specifications where they exist):
The easiest and most straightforward way to get RDF data into data.world is to upload an RDF file into a data.world dataset:

Example - RDF
The following example shows what it looks like when you upload a .ttl
file and query it on data.world:
PREFIX : <https://ddw-doccorp.linked.data.world/d/sparql-rdf-dataset/> PREFIX airports: <https://airports.com/> SELECT ?name { ?s a airports:airport. ?s airports:name ?name. }
All the links in the following examples open datasets in the data.world open data community. For best experience, make sure you are logged in to the application when you click these links.
This is what the query looks like when run on data.world: