Viewing member access summary
Once a user or organization accepts the invitation and becomes part of the organization, you can click through to the user or organization information and see what level of access they have in the organization, what groups they are part of, and if the user or organization has direct access to any of the resources such as datasets and projects in the organization. This helps administrators audit different ways members are granted access within the organization and take quick actions to manage the access.
To view the member access summary:
On the Organization profile page, go the Members tab.
In the Members section, locate the user or organization you are interested in and click the row for the member.
On the next screen you can view the following information about the member:
View a brief summary of the user and click the View profile link to view the full profile of the user, which lists the organizations the user is part of, their recent activities in the application, bookmarks, followers etc. If you are looking at a member organization, clicking the View profile link opens the Organization profile page.
If you are an organization administrator, you can also remove the user from the organization by clicking the Remove them from the organization link.
If you are looking at your own access page, you get an option to Leave the organization.
The Organization access summary section shows the calculated access of the user in the organization. It is calculated based on all group memberships and represent the highest level of access given to the member by groups.
Next, you see all the groups the user is part of and the specific access they get from each group. You can click the group name to go to the user group details.
If you are an organization administrator, you can click the Remove button to remove the member from the group.
Lastly, the Direct access summary lists all the datasets & projects and collections to which the user is granted direct access (the access is not granted through a user group). You see this section only if you are an organization administrator.
Use the Grant access button to grant access to new collections and resources. You can also change the access levels to the listed resources or remove the access completely. To know more about the resource, click the name of the resource to get to the resource details page.