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Customizing hoots pop-up window with hoot studio

When users with access to the data catalog click the Hoot badge, they are taken to the the Hoot pop-up window that provides them contextual information about the resource from the catalog.

Use the Hoot Studio to customize the Hoot pop-up window and decide what you want to show or hide from the end users.

First, let us go over the different elements of the Hoot pop-up window. For the best experience open this walk-through in full screen mode.

To customize the hoot:


The changes made here are immediately reflected to the end users interacting with the hoots.

  1. From the Hoot Admin space, browse to Settings.

  2. Toggle the switch in the Status field to show or hide options on the Hoot page.

  3. Refresh the browser to see the changes reflect in the Preview section of the page.