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Create custom relationships between resources

In this tutorial we will create a custom relationship between two resources.

Why would I do this?

Use Catalog Toolkit to add custom relationships between resources that are not related out-of-the-box. Use the following guidelines to plan custom relationships between the resources.

  • Identify the resources you want to relate.

  • Identify if the relationship is bi-directional.


Create a relationship

  1. On the Organization profile page, go to the Overview tab or Resources tab. Click the New resource button and select Other resources.

  2. In the Add new resource window, set the following and click Continue.

    • In the Title field, provide a name of the relationship you want to add.

    • From the Choose type section, select the Relationship option.

    • From the Choose one or more collections dropdown, select the Metadata profile collection.

  3. In the Edit resource window, set the following properties and click the Save button.

    • Source to target label: Provide the field name. For example, belongs to.

    • Source to target label - Plural: Provide a plural for the field name. For example, belong to.

    • Target to source label: Define this value to set a bi-directional relationship between the two objects in the other. For example, contains.

    • Target to source label - plural: Provide the plural for the bi-directional relationship between the two objects. For example, contain.

    • Filter by this relationship in search - source-to-target only: This setting allows you to use the relationship as a filter on the search results page, exclusively for source-to-target relationship displays.

      For a consistent user experience, we highly recommend you only select Filter by this relationship in search when the relationship also has a field specified in Related field - source types. Read more about the relationship as fields feature. Note: When paired with a field, the filter label will match the name of the field you see in Related field - source types (for example, Data Steward), otherwise, the filter label will be the Source to target label - Plural (the plural of the type specified as the Target type (for example, People).

  4. On the relationship page that you just created, go the Related tab. Click Add related resource.

  5. In the window that opens, on the Type tab select the resources for the relationship.

    • In the Related type field select the resource for which you are creating the relation. From the Relationship type field select Is a source for this relationship.

    • Next, add the second resource in the Related type field and set the Relationship type field as Is a target of this relationship.


Publish the changes

View the results

  1. In the Catalog Sandbox organization, find any resource for which you enabled the custom relationships.

  2. Check if you can relate the resources. If you enabled bi-directional relationships, you will be able to relate the resources from both the resource pages.
