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Datasets details page

The Datasets tile on the Organization Profile Page is your portal to all the datasets owned by your organization and the metadata about them. If your organization uses our metadata catalog, all the metadata captured for your organization's data sources can be found here. This is also where all of the datasets containing your data--both stored on and from virtual connections--are located.


Clicking the Datasets tile opens the Resources tab that shows a filtered list of all your organization's datasets. There you can see:

  • Name of the dataset

  • Who created it

  • When it was last updated

  • Other details, such as a brief description of the dataset, the number of files and tables in the dataset, and the number of projects that use the dataset.

    You can use this information to then decide if you need to navigate to the dataset to explore it further.


Some of the options available to you on this page are:

  • Powerful filter options that let you narrow down the list of datasets available to you.

  • A search box to search for specific datasets within the organization.

  • A New Resources button to create new datasets, projects, or Analysis.

  • A Three dot menu to access the option to Edit multiple datasets.

When you click the dataset and open it, you see the Dataset Details page. The header at the top of the page has several valuable pieces of information and actions that you can take in regards to the dataset.


On the left of the header are:

  • An icon for the dataset that includes on indicator for the status of the dataset. For example, Approved, Deprecated. Needs Review.

  • The name of the person or organization that owns the dataset. Click the owner link to get to their profile page.

  • The name of the dataset.

On the right of the header are options to:

  • Share the dataset

  • Bookmark it (and see how many others have bookmarked it)

  • Request access button, if you don't have access to the dataset.

  • Three dot menu to access the option to subscribe or unsubscribe from email notifications for the dataset (available if you don't have access to the dataset.)

  • Access the Explore this dataset menu (available if you have access to the dataset.). It includes options to:

    • See all the projects that use the dataset

    • Connect the dataset to an existing project

    • Open the dataset with a third-party application (integrated with

    • Create a new project using the dataset
