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Adding dataset description, tags, summary, and licensing


Only users with Edit or Manage access to the dataset can make changes. If you have Discover or View access, use the Suggesting changes to resources feature.

A well-documented dataset helps users understand its purpose, source, and significance. You can enhance discoverability and usability by adding a description, summary, tags, and license types.

Adding a dataset description, summary, and tags

The description provides a brief overview of the dataset content and purpose, and serve as a quick reference. On the other hand, the summary provides a deeper narrative, exploring the dataset origin, significance, and context. It helps answer the key following questions.

  • What insights does the data reveal?

  • What aspects might interest others?

  • What discoveries have been made using this data?

To add a description, summary, and tags:

  1. Open the dataset page.

  2. In the Overview section, click Edit. The Edit window opens.

  3. In the Description field, provide a brief description of the dataset.

  4. In the Tags field, start typing a tag. If the tag already exists, it will show in as a suggestion with the number of times it is used. Click the tag to add it or press Enter to create a new tag and add to the dataset.

    Click Save changes.

  5. Go back to the dataset Overview section, click Add a summary with images, links, and custom formatting. The Dataset summary document opens in the Workspace.

  6. In the text field, enter a detailed summary. Use markdown to format the content and add rich elements such as images and links. Effective summaries address the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the dataset, cite sources, and share findings or potential interests.

  7. Click Done to save your changes.

Setting a license for a dataset

Setting a license type defines how others can use the dataset. The license cannot be less restrictive than the most restrictive source material included. For more details, see the Common license types for datasets page.

To set a license type:

  1. Open the dataset page.

  2. In the Overview section, click Edit. The Edit window opens.

  3. From the Public license dropdown, select the appropriate license type.

  4. Click Save changes.