Project details page
Browse to the projects from the application Home page, an Organization Profile page, or the search results page.
When you click on a project and open it, you will see the Project Details page. The header at the top of the page has several valuable pieces of information and actions that you can take in regards to the project.
On the left of the header are:
An icon for the project that includes indicator for the status of the dataset. For example, Approved, Deprecated. Needs Review.
The name of the person or organization that owns the project. Click the owner link to get to their profile page.
The name of the project.
On the right of the header are options to:
Share the project
Comment on the project (available if you don't have access to the project.)
Bookmark it (and see how many others have bookmarked it)
Access the Launch workspace menu. From the Workspace menu you can also open the project in a third-party application (integrated with
Three dot menu to request access to the project and options to subscribe or unsubscribe from email notifications for the project (available if you don't have access to the project.)
Overview tab
When you open a project, you land on the Overview tab. The Overview section includes the Status of the project, if it is set, a short Description of the project, and the longer Summary information.
Much of the information on this tab is configurable by your organization. In the following example, the More Information section contains an example of completely configured metadata.
Next, you get an option to:
Add data
Write a query
Create a new insight
If there are any insights associated with the project, they are shown on the Overview tab. From here, you can also bookmark the insights or comment on them.
Activity tab
The Activity tab of a project contains information about all the events for the project, and it also provides access to previous versions of the project. There are two sub-tabs, the All Activity and Versions.
The All Activity sub-tab is a list of each event that has occurred with this project. You can see who made changes and when, and the type of change.
Click Versions to view the sub-tab containing version information for the project. Click the Three dot menu to download a previous version.
Insights tab
The Insights tab on the Project page contains all the insights created from the project. The insights are previewed on the main page and there is a thumbnail gallery on the right. You can comment on an insight and bookmark it.
Discussion tab
The Discussion tab captures all the communication between team members about the project. You get an option to Flag or Like comments in a discussion. Flagging notifies a moderator of potentially inappropriate content in the post.
Settings tab
The Settings tab is for administrators to manage the project. There are three sub-tabs, General, Access and ownership, and Webhooks.
The General sub-tab contains administrative settings, which include:
Automatic syncing options.
Additional notification recipients.
Archive options for files.
A Delete Project button.
The Access and ownership sub-tab allows you to manage access to the project and make projects visible to community members.
The Webhooks sub-tab is for configuring and managing webhooks to the project.