Updating the metadata profile
In this section you will learn how to add and update configuration files into data.world and confirm the results.
How to add configuration files to the application
For the configuration files to take effect, they must be in Turtle format (.ttl) and added to the Catalog configuration dataset (ddw-catalogs). Any Turtle file in this dataset will become part of the graph.
Catalog configuration dataset:ddw-catalogs
All files in ddw-catalogs make up your catalog graph. Thus, configuration information can be added as one file, or broken up into separate components. Anything in this dataset will be added to your graph, comprising your catalog.
Step 1: Edit the MDP file
If you already have the MDP file you would like to add, move on to step 2.
If you wish to modify an existing file:
Navigate to the ddw-catalogs dataset.
Find the the configuration file you want to edit.
Download it.
Make changes.
Save it.
Proceed to step 2.
Naming conventions
Use a distinct name like mdp-{org}.ttl.
To replace a file, re-upload a file using the same name.
Step 2: Validate your file
When you add your graph files to the catalog, the system checks the validity of the file and look for syntax errors - such as undefined prefixes or incomplete statements. Create a test dataset organization and drop the file in the dataset to check it's validity and fix errors.
This validation tool only checks for valid syntax. It cannot check if the configuration file will have the intended effects. You need to load the file into data.world to confirm the changes. If your org has both a staging and production org, this is where you would first load the files into staging to test the effects.
Confirm the file points to your org namespace:
The : prefix in line 1 must use your org's namespace.
Replace yourorgname in <https://yourorgname.linked.data.world/d/ddw-catalogs/> with your org's namespace.
Find your namespace in the data.world URL for your org immediately following the slash, https://data.world/yourorgname.
Step 3: Upload the MDP file to the configuration dataset
Navigate to ddw-catalogs.
Click Add data.
Select your file to upload.
Step 4: Check that the file was ingested properly
Success: A successfully imported file will display metadata about the file.
Error: An improperly formatted file will display an error message.
Troubleshooting errors
If your file is not loading correctly into data.world, first check these things:
Is the file extensions exclusively .ttl?
Do the contents of the files pass syntax validation?
Does the local prefix : point to your org’s data.world namespace?
Still having issues?
Contact data.world support by submitting a ticket.
Learn more about file upload status messages in the documentation.
Step 5: View the results and check it had the desired effects
Before: The default page for a glossary business term contains the following fields.
After: Note the changes in the UI below after loading in a demo MDP. Additional metadata fields have been added and ingested correctly into the catalog presentation.