Left sidebar
The left sidebar is the Global Navigation menu. Use the Global Navigation to access the various resources available to you. The icons displayed vary depending on whether you are in an organization or not.

If you are a member of at least one organization, you will see the Organizations option in the Global Navigation menu. Click this menu item to access the list of your organizations. If you have access to only one organization, you are directly taken to the home page of the organization.
Create new organizations from the Settings page available from the User menu in the main header.

Click the tile of an organization to view the profile page, which lists the resources, glossary, and collections in the organization. Depending on the components that the organization uses, these resources include datasets, projects, reports, tables, members, data connections, organization settings, and curated collections of the organization's resources.

Click the Discover icon to see all the resources you have access to. Discover directs you a list of all the resources you have access to already loaded and ready for filtering and searching. Narrow down the list of resources by using the search bar and available filters. For details about using search and filters, see How to find data resources.

Click the Bookmarks icon to get to the resources you have bookmarked for easy access. If you have a long list of bookmarked resources, use the filter option to narrow down the list.
Users can bookmark - datasets, projects, insights, tables, custom resources, collections, business terms. Note that Columns cannot be bookmarked. For more details about using bookmarks, see "Bookmarking resources"

Tasks are generated by governance automations and workflows and assigned to organization members. User can claim and manage data governance tasks for the Premium Metadata Completeness Automation and Premium Automation: Approval - Access request in one place.

Click the Notifications icon to get the list of alerts and notifications that you have received. To learn more see "Staying updated about your data catalog".
From the Notifications page, you get access to:
Alerts: Alerts are actions you can take right now and will not dismiss until someone does something about it. These include invitations for you to join an organization, requests to access datasets and project. You can approve or reject these requests and invitations from this page.
Notifications: Notifications are updates about things happening on the platform, that you may want to take follow up actions on. These include informational messages and a list of changes suggested by other members to make improvements to existing datasets. Click through to these suggestions to review and approve or reject the changes.