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Discussion tab

The Discussion tab captures all the communication between team members about the dataset. You get an option to Flag or Like comments in a discussion. Flagging notifies support team of potentially inappropriate content in the post.

Users with Admin access to the dataset can delete a discussion topic and change the title of a discussion.


The contents on the Discussion tab are grouped into topics. Use the default topic or start a new one. Define the discussion topic and the first comment for the topic.

Comments in topics are written in Markdown and can contain images and links. You can mention users (using @user_name) to notify them about an ongoing discussion to get their attention and participation. Some important things to note:

  • When you do this for private resource only available in an organization, typing @ suggests only the members of that organization. It also shows a prompt to contact an administrator of the organization to ask them to allow others to have access to the organization. If you are an administrator, you get the option to invite other people to the organization.

  • For community resources, you get a list of suggested users from the community.

  • In both cases, only the users who have at least read access to the resource are notified. So make sure that when you are setting access for the users, you also give them access to the resource where they need to participate in the discussion.
