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The summary is one of two documents created with a dataset or project. The summary is where all of the information about the origin of the data, why you created the dataset, further documentation of your work, etc. is found. Use the Summary section to tell your data's story. For example:

  • Where did the data come from? Cite and link to your sources or include your details for a 'citation request'. Not only does this give credit where credit is due, but it helps other people evaluate the data's suitability for their needs.

  • If you think a particular piece of context will be useful to others, add it.

  • The best summaries cover the "who, what, where, when, why, and how" of the data.

  • What's the data telling you? What would others be interested to know about it? What have others found using this data?

  • If the data has associated data dictionaries or other documentation, upload it and then link to it from your Summary.

  • Summaries are created and edited in either the Simple Editor or in Markdown.Introduction