Upload Files

Upload one or more files to a dataset.


POST /uploads/{owner}/{id}/files


Parameter Description Parameter Type Data Type
owner Dataset owner username. Included in data.world dataset URL path, after domain.
For example, jonloyens in https://data.world/jonloyens/an-intro-to-dataworld-dataset
path string
id Dataset id. Included in data.world dataset URL, after owner's username.
For example, an-intro-to-dataworld-dataset in https://data.world/jonloyens/an-intro-to-dataworld-dataset
path string

Response schema (Status 200)

  "message": "string"


HTTP Status Code Reason Solution
400 Bad request. Check syntax and URIs.
401 Unauthorized Verify credentials / API key
403 Forbidden
404 Not found.
413 Upload too large.
422 Bad request. Check syntax and URIs.
500 Server error.


Request URL:



$ export DW_API_TOKEN=<your api token goes here>
$ curl "https://api.data.world/v0/uploads/jonloyens/an-intro-to-dataworld-dataset/files" -F file=@my-file1.csv -F file=@my-file2.csv -H "Authorization: Bearer ${DW_API_TOKEN}"

Where each file references a locally stored file to upload.

Response Body:

  "message": "File(s) uploaded."

results matching ""

    No results matching ""